Everything is Fine

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Pairing:  Hypatia x Fem! Reader desc: Y/N seems to feel out of place, so wait after lecture to speak to Hypatia.

warning tags: fluff  {let me know if I missed other tags}

a/n: I haven't seen ANY fanfics written about our sweet legendary Hypatia. I might also write one for Orestes. {also this might not be historically accurate, so please don't stone me}

Word count: 1.1k

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"Plato once said 'All men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth by one workman.' What do you suppose he meant by that?" Hypatia asked her students within the lecture room. Luckily you were also considered a student there, but you felt incredibly intimated being the only woman there. There were a handful of men, but surely they were open-minded. The room was so quiet, that you could hear the footsteps in the common halls. Your eyes scanned around the room, and you spotted your dear friend Orestes. His cinnamon eyes were illuminated by the beauty of the sun's light, and you could tell that he wanted to come up with something clever. A small smile crept up on your face, Orestes always wanted to be the shiniest pearl within the ocean. "Y/n? What do you think Plato meant by that?" Hypatia asked you softly, your head quickly whipped back to face her. You felt as if everyone's eyes landed on you, you breathed out softly yet nervously. You found the courage to speak up "Well if I may, Professor, you didn't recite the scripture completely." You bravely said, small gasps were heard throughout the lecture room. Hypatia crossed her arms against her chest and looked at you softly. You were about to apologize for being rude until Orestes yelled out "May I answer the question! Y/N surely didn't mean to be offensive in any way. I think what Plato meant-" Hypatia held one finger up, and which caused Orestes to be silenced, Hypatia walked towards you and smiled. "Y/N what is the rest of the quote, please do finish it for us." She asked kindly, your eyelashes fluttered softly and you felt your cheeks blush for a moment. You spoke again "The second part of Plato's scripture is: 'And however we deceive ourselves, as dear unto God is the poor peasant as the mighty prince'." Hypatia brightly smiled and walked back to the center of the room "I hope all of you wrote that down because I shall not be repeating myself. Tomorrow, we'll discuss what Plato meant by this. All of you are dismissed, have a wonderful afternoon." Hypatia dismissed the lecture, and the students began to leave. Orestes walked down three rows in order to get to you, you always sat in the corner of the room but in the first row. "Shall we walk home, Y/N?" Orestes asked, you shook your head "No, I need to speak to Hypatia." You whispered into his ear, Orestes let out a chuckle and said "Alright then, tell me if she accepts your apology about today." You softly pushed Orestes' shoulder, which caused him to laugh more. Orestes grabbed his items and left with the rest of the men. You turned back to your items and quickly placed them in your furca. Before Hypatia could walk out of the lecture room, you said "Professor, may I have a word with you?" Hypatia walked towards you, and said "My dear you don't have to call me Professor, Hypatia is quite fine." You nodded your head "Okay then, Hypatia. I don't really trust people and you seem to be not only a person with knowledge but also understandable." Hypatia patiently waited for you to continue, "I....How do I explain?" You asked out loud, Hypatia smirked and said "With the truth." which caused you both to laugh. "Of course, yes I wouldn't lie to you. It's just, I haven't even told Orestes this..." You said anxiously, Hypatia lifted an eyebrow, and placed her hand on your arm "Do you have feelings for Orestes?" Hypatia questioned with a light-hearted tone, it made you feel like a schoolgirl. You shook your head "No no, well at least not yet. But see that's the problem. I attract people from the opposite gender but I don't-" "You don't find them attractive?" Hypatia said attempting to find your words since you were sincerely lost. "No, I mean. I see their beauty but I do not find the excitement in the sexual area...I don't wish to have sexual intercourse." You said nearly whispering, afraid that the gods might hear you. Hypatia nodded her head and sat you down. "I understand what you mean my dear child, what is the problem though?" "What if I cannot find anyone to marry me, or to court me properly? And if I ever do find myself falling for Orestes because he isn't unattractive, what if my low libido drives him away? What if my partner becomes gravitated to someone else's reciprocated energy?" Your to voice began to crack by the end of the sentence, and your eyes began to swell up. Hypatia sighed and cupped both sides of your cheeks making you look her directly into her eyes. "If a person truly loves you, they will understand your sexuality. When two things gravitate toward each other, nothing stops them. Not even the silly habit of having to perform intercourse." Hypatia explained but your tears began to overflow. Tiny droplets of salty tears ran down your cheeks but Hypatia would clean them away. Hypatia brought you close to her and held you against her chest, you began to sob quietly. Hypatia softly rocked you back and forth, trying to ease the shame that you had against yourself. Hypatia softly whispered into your ear  "There is nothing wrong with you, Y/N. This is normal. Being an asexual person isn't rare, it is a little more common than you think. Trust me Αγάπη. You are not alone my dear, everything is fine". You nodded your head and pulled away, your eyes were a bit puffy. Hypatia held your hand for a moment "If you ever need to speak to me, please do know that I am always here." She reminded you, you nodded your head once more before leaning in to kiss her cheek. Hypatia smiled against your lips, and you began to walk away. As you walked out into the common streets, to your surprise, Orestes was waiting for you. Orestes turned to you and rushed towards you with open arms. You held him back and caressed his hair. "Y/N, what is the matter? Did someone hurt you?" Orestes asked as he inspected your face, and arms for any hues forming. You laughed as you sniffled "No, everything is fine. Come on, let's go home." You reassured him. The both of you walked into the city linked with each other's arms, you couldn't ask for a better support system than Hypatia. Someday you would tell Orestes but for now, you just wanted to enjoy the rest of the day with him.
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