Chapter 4: Hated

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Gregory's POV:

My neck hurts because Evan drink my blood, and I am so mad. Plus, I went going down to the dungeons. As I made it to the bottom, and I saw the three doors. I saw the throne door, I ignored it. I went to opened the prisons door, and I entered it. I saw the guards, and they saw me. They stared at me as I walked to the cells' of my friends, and my older sister. When I got there, and I was told one of the prisoners, escaped. But put back, I knew who it was. " So, what happened" I asked with furious tone. 

" Claire tried to escaped her cell, but failed. She got caught in the end, " Fable answered my question. Claire shot her a glare. " I was trying to escape to get some help. Because Gregory is forced to follow Evan say, " Claire argued, but Fable didn't bother to argue back. She sighed as she leaned on the wall. Eliza looks calm at the moment, and Alex, well, he is talking to Ricky. 

" How about we stop fighting? And I think of a plan to stop Evan, " I said to them, and they agreed with me. " Okay, how do we start? " Fable asked to me. " I am going to keep spying on Evan for you guys. I will distract him as long as I can. Fable, you are in charge of making a plan. Send me a note, in Morse code, so Evan won't understand, " I said, as I turned to take my leave. 

I can feel the hated of everyone towards Evan. Why is he doing this for? Five years ago what did he mean I need to understand what he is doing. All I know that he hate my friends, and my older siblings with his heart. But why? He also hates mages, and humans. Evan though, humans extinct after the pure soul war. After Violet did the spell, and all the humans turned into mages after that.

I wondered why does Evan hates my friends' kind. But he want to protect my kind, but vampires are killing them off. Because of our blood, and also wonder, that night. When Evan saved me from the vampires, but didn't leave me to die. Why did he save me? All these questions are hurting my head. I walked up the stairs back to the surface. I left the door, and I closed it behind me. Then I locked it, and I went to Evan to confront about that night.

I opened the bedroom door, and Evan was out at the balcony. I went to the balcony, and I saw him turned around. " I know you have a question for me, " he said, that scared the hell out of me. I jumped when he said that, " Evan, " I growled at him. He smiled, but that didn't work on me. " Why did you save me that night? When the vampires attacked, why didn't just leave me to die? " I asked my questions to him, out of the blue.

He sighed, and he looked at me. " Sit down, I will tell you. " I did what he said, and I sit down on the chairs. " Well, the plan was to captured you, so I will implant the crystals into you. But the plan didn't go as planned, the vampires you were attacked by. They were not vampires, they are illusion, " he answered my questions, and I was in pure shocked. " You lied to me again, that night. But how was I injured? Daggers were threw at me, and injured me, " I said to him, with shaken tone. He sighed again, " Well, those were my kind threw daggers at you. Because how strong you were, they told me immediately. So, I had to end the fight, and destroy my illusions. But I saw you destroy most of them, and I was surprised how powerful you were. The truth is I fell in love with you, a few weeks before that night, * sigh. * Well, also the day you caught the dagger that was threw at you. It was me, who did it, I wanted to see if you have good reflexes, " as Evan finished explaining to me.

This made me hate him more, but I still love him, why? Is there something of him that made me love him still? I cleared my mind from these questions. " Why do I still love you? And why you still love me? " I asked, aloud. I saw him got up, and he walked to me. Then he sit beside me, " I love you because of your personality and your traits, " he answered one of my questions. I blushed at his response, and I lay my head his shoulder. I can't believe I still love this man, well, this what happened when you fell for a person who betrayed you, but still loves you.

 I sighed, I need to think a plan for them.

Fable's POV:

I was thinking about plans, but I can't focus with all this noise. I tried to keep my cool, but no. I sighed, I hate Evan so much. " You can't think with all this noise, " said Eliza, and I sighed again. I sat beside her, " I know, I hate Evan so much with all my heart. Why is he doing for? " I asked, and Eliza shrugged. " After Michael was manipulated by him, Michael didn't believe me. I can't believe him, I don't know why you are on our side? " I asked to Eliza, and she looked at me.

" Well, the reason I am on your side is because, I am half-mage. I am full vampire, but I am half-mage as well. Us, mages can see the truth in people. When me and my siblings except Gregory, we saw the evil in Evan. But we also some good in him as well because his personality changed after the bite of '83. I wondered what caused the change, " Eliza answered, as she was thinking.

Evan used to be good, but how? Maybe there is more to Evan, than I knew. But what triggered him to changed his personality? I need to figured that out, first. But I need to time, " Can your rat- " " Ricky" Claire cut me off by correcting me. " Can Ricky found more info on Evan for us? I know where are the archives, it's near Evan' room. It said : The archives above the door, " I said to Claire. " I like that idea, so once Ricky get inside. He need to find a file right, " Claire said, and I nodded. " A file that's named Evan Christopher Afton, then he can bring it back here, " I explained the plan. They agreed with it, " It's nice solid plan, then we need to tell Gregory about this, " Alex said, " Don't worry, I already written a note. I will give it to Ricky. Then we put our plan in action."

Hurt (Evan x Gregory) book 2, Vampire auWhere stories live. Discover now