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Scott dropped me off at work and immediately I stepped through the doors. A co-worker of mine told me Martin was looking for me in his office.
I knocked softly and I heard him tell me to enter. I turned the handle all the while trying to figure out while he wanted to speak to me immediately my shift began.

My back stiffened when he and the woman that was talking to him turned to look at me. Of course it was just a matter of time that she came looking for me, I wasn't surprised, I just wasn't ready to face her right now.

"I will leave you two to talk", Martin excused himself and stood up to leave,he looked at me apologetically and closed the door behind him.

Carolyn stood up from her seat and held her expensive purse,from head to toe she screamed expensive.
We stayed in silence as she scrutinized me , making me feel really small,I felt ashamed for what I really didn't know.

"I'm not going to waste much time. How much? Go ahead, don't be shy and state your price ,how much for you to leave my son alone?", She said and looked at me,I could see the hatred and disgust clearly in her eyes.

"What have I ever done to you for you to hate me so much", I finally worked up the courage to say.

" Why I hate you?", She laughed " To think a low life rat like you can fall in love with my son is the greatest insult there is! You? A poverty stricken gutter rat!",

" Is it?"I snarked, '' I wasn't going to let her insult me "or maybe it's because for the first time in your life you were scared you were losing your son , that he had another woman in his life. For the first time your precious son disobeyed you for another woman and you were scared,scared that I would take him away from you",

" I'm warning you. Stay away from my son or I'll make you regret it",

" I love your son madam from the bottom of my heart",

" Love?", William scoffed as he came in, " the only thing you were after was my money"

"That's not true William and you know it",I said after taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. " You're the only man I have ever loved",I said and walked to him.

" Stop telling me all these lies",he said and turned to his mother " don't waste money on someone such as her mother",

" Yes you can keep your money because all I've ever wanted was to spend the rest of my life with your son", I said to her " My love,you have to believe me I wouldn't never do that to you,I love you so much William,I know you still do too besides we even have a…", but his next words stopped me from telling him about our daughter.

" You really thought someone like me would ever love a girl like you? A low life gold digging whore? I don't know what I was thinking, maybe the fact of being the first man to be inside made me make a decision. But wait who's to say I was even the first man to have sex with you,who knows how many men you've slept with for money",he said his words cutting through me.

" You don't mean it, you're saying this just to hurt me,you really do not mean it",I said, trying hard to stop my tears from falling.

"And there is it,the crying innocent face you use to lure men into your trap,you disgust me,I hate you so much I wish I never met you,I now see you for who you really are. A slut from the slums ,a golddigger, don't be delusional",

" I won't let you insult me",I said.

" I should give you a crown for your lies,you love me? When you moved on to somebody else ,someone that is rich so you can use them for their money like a money sucking litch that you are '', I couldn't stand his insults any more and I raised my hand to slap him only for it to be caught in his hand.

"Don't think too highly of yourself",he said, holding tightly to my wrist.
" I hate you,I regret ever meeting you",he spat and let go of my hand.

" Well then that solves everything",his mother says and smiles " don't say I didn't warn you",she says and they both walk away.
The door closed with a bang and my knees gave out under me. He hates,I can't believe this is how he feels about me. It hurt so much,how was I even supposed to tell him Merce was his daughter? He'd think I only wanted to get some money out of him and Carolyn would never accept my daughter. I don't want her to go through the rejection of her father and his family.

I heard a soft knock and the door opened making me look up from where I sat on the floor.

"I'm so sorry Raven, I'm afraid I'll have to fire you ,the Woodlocks own most of the real estate here and they have threatened to terminate my lease agreement if I don't fire you immediately. I'm really sorry", Martin embarrassingly said.

" It's okay Martin", I said,wiped my tears and got up " thank you so much,you have really helped me",I said and gave him a hug.

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