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Because of the excitement for the live performance of the play Merce has put the fuss of wanting to see her father at the back of her mind therefore removing me from a tough spot. I wanted it to work out between us. But since he doesn't want to hear from him I will not say a thing about Merce, when she grows up and still wants to meet him I'll support her all the way,I just hope he doesn't disappoint her because of his hatred for me.

I was going to introduce Scott to the kids because they were going to be seeing him more often. Like Ash said I was going to give myself a chance,I love William with every being of my body and it will be hard to forget about him but I want to give myself a chance to get to know Scott slowly and see if we can take whatever situationship were in to the next level and even if it doesn't work out i hope we can still stay friends.

I was nervous. I didn't know how they would react,so I planned a little outing to the park and we were going to have a picnic.

Anthony was manning the grill and Ash the kids were seting up at our table.
A few minutes later Scott arrived and called the kids that went to play over.

"So I want you guys to meet someone today",I nervously said.

" Let me guess,he is your boyfriend", Caleb said.

" Boyfriend?"Merce exclaimed and leaned into my arms. " But mommy, what about Bob?", She asked.

"Bob?", I questioned as everyone's curious gazes fell on me.

"Yeah Bird, tell us , who's Bob, it better not be another godfather of the kids because you and I are going to have a problem", Anthony said, making me roll my eyes.

"Yes you and Aunt Ash always talk about him. Last time you said he ran out of batteries and when aunt Ash told you to get a real boyfriend you said Bob was all you needed"

" Oh my goodness,is she speaking of the Bob I'm thinking of,as in BOB", Ash exclaimed.

" Babe who's Bob?'' Anthony asked Ash ,who just ignored him and started laughing .

" BOB?", I asked.

"Now I too want to know who this Bob guy is", Scott chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Who's Bob!"Anthony, who was growing impatient, asked.

"Bird Bob, BO-O-O-B", she explained.

"Oh no. BOB?", I asked. It took a few seconds and my eyes widened in realization as I understood the Bob she was speaking of. My daughter was talking about the Battery operated Boyfriend (BOB),the vibrator I bought some months ago.

"Yes",she laughed and whispered something into Anthony's ear. I saw as his eyes widened and he spat out the punch he had just taken a sip of.

"The two of you are nasty. You should be ashamed of yourselves for saying such grotesque obscenities in front of the children",he said jokingly.

" Wait, I still don't know who Bob is", Scott complained.

" Me neither", Caleb chipped in.

"No honey you don't want to know who Bob is",I said and attempted to cover his ears.

" Scott come on you know who Bob is",Ash said and wiggled her eyebrows.
Scott still looked confused until Ash mouthed the words to him and then they all burst out laughing, leaving me blushing with shame and my children confused.

“There won't be a need for Bob anymore now that I am here?” Scott smirked and winked at me, making me laugh shyly.

Scott handed out the gifts he brought for the children and decided to test out the ball he bought Caleb with Merce volunteering to be the ball girl.
I was bored so I went online to search for recent news on William. It's been a week since we last spoke but the interaction we had is fresh at the back of my mind. The news showed the two of them going out for lunch taking strolls and shopping,they looked so happy and Kate herself posted a picture of william and her holding hands not forgetting to give a clear view of the huge diamond on her finger.
Because Kate was pictured being escorted out of the night club plus comments from people that witnessed our altercation there were rumors of the two of them maybe breaking up. I guess these pictures were to shut down those rumors

Merce's ringing laughter drew my attention to them as I watched them play. I imagined William being the one playing with them,I felt a little guilty that I have to continue lying to my child.

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