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"Enough is enough Bird how many times? How many times will you let that bastard and that cold hearted bitch of a mother to do this to you,you don't deserve it at all!", Ash angrily yelled.

I know I didn't deserve it but who told my heart to be deeply in love with him, he is the love of my life but his anger and hatred towards me is making it hard to have hope.

"I still love him",I whispered.

"Bullshit! Look at me and read my lips, Bullshit",Ash yelled in my face.

" You don't know how it feels to love someone,to be willing to love that person for rest of your life!",I sobbed

" Of course I have, you're not the first to love and you won't be the last! Look at you, to let a man reduce you to this state, you're not the woman I thought you were",

" What should I do? ",I asked.

" You're the only one that knows the answer", she said.

The door opened and Anthony and the kids walked in. He sensed the tense atmosphere and looked between Ash and I.

"Anything  wrong?",he asked.

"Nothing!", Ash snapped and went upstairs.

" Mommy did you and Aunt Ash fight?", Caleb asked as he placed his and his sister's lunchboxes in the sink.

"We just had a small fight sweetie",I said and started picking up after Merce who left her things on the floor.
Ash didn't talk to me for the rest of the day and when I tried to talk to her after dinner she told me looking at me makes her angry so I gave her some time to cool off. Anthony didn't want to be caught between a cross fire so he stuck to the sidelines and left immediately after dinner.

"What is it sweetie?", I asked Merce after tucking her in.I noticed her dull face since they came back from practice.

"Will my daddy ever come?", She asked and my heart began racing. I know the silly made up stories I tell her will stop making sense at some point and that she will start asking questions but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Of course he will some day",I swallow and caress her face.

" When? Why doesn't he call or even send me cards on my birthday? Claire's father bought her a pony for her birthday. I don't want a pony or a princess playhouse. I just want to see or talk to him even once . Please can I mommy? Please call him and let me talk to him",she pleaded,my heart broke to hear her and see her like this. I would have shown Merce a picture of William but I don't want to risk her recognizing him and it would just fuel her desire to meet him.

"Oh my baby",I sighed "you will see him I promise. Now go to sleep it's already late",I said and stood up.

"Mommy before you go can you tell me how my daddy looks like again",

I sighed and lay next to, giving her description of William from the blue eyes they shared to their favorite snack. They both have so much in common that I can never forget about William even if I wanted to.

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