chapter 3

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Friday 17th April 1971

I had just finished school for the week and Michael had just finished his home schooling. I wanted to see him so i quickly got changed into a warm, comfortable outfit tied my hair up and walked downstairs. As it was summer now, the evenings were shorter so the sun wouldn't have set for another few hours. I saw mum finishing off her work downstairs in the kitchen and went to tell her what i was thinking of doing.

"Hey mum, is it okay if i go out with Michael for a few hours?"

"Of course darling, just be back before it goes dark. You know i don't like you out when its dark."

"Yeah we will probably be back way before then don't worry." I gave her a hug and walked out the house to knock on the Jacksons door. I don't mind who answers the door but if it's Joseph he can intimidate me a bit from what Michael says about him. But as the door opens i meet Joseph who was giving me an intimidating smile. I don't think he means to be intimidating towards me but how he can behave really does scare me.

"Uh hi Joseph is Michael in?"

"Hello Lucy, yes he is i'll go get him for you. Give me one second." He walked away from the door and i could hear someone sniffling in the background. The sound came closer when i could see it was Michael. He was trying to hide it from me but i wanted to know why. I had a real good idea that it was Joseph who was.. i don't wanna say it but i'm glad i knocked on before anything got any worse. We had already left the driveway before i dared to speak in case Joseph could hear me.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"Joseph happened." I knew exactly what that meant by the countless nights he comes over to mine through the window crying because of how Joseph treated him and his brothers. Especially Michael because he was the "golden child." I would tell him to stand up to him but that's no use when you are only 12. "But i know this will never happen again. I gave him an ultimatum."

"What did you say?" We were walking down the road now to our favourite spot in the park where there was a big tree and 2 swings.

"I told him if he ever hurt me again i wouldn't sing. And that sure stopped him. He knows without me he wouldn't have the money he has. I'm like his money making machine." He looked so upset by the way Joseph treated him. I just wish he could come live with me.

Once we got to the park we sat on our favourite swings and just talked for hours. I updated him about school and he told me all about his new albums. I was so excited for him. We made our way to the local book store just before it closed wondered round to find a book we could enjoy reading together. We decided on a murder mysteries which we both enjoy reading. We payed for them before heading home.

It started to rain which most people wouldn't enjoy, but its mine and Michaels favourite weather. We just run and laugh enjoying the warm rain that fell from the sky. It was by far the most peaceful weather. We made our way back home soaking wet and i said goodnight before i headed back home.

I ran straight up to my bedroom and started reading and i knew Michael would have done the exact same thing.

Saturday 18th April 1971

I was just sat in bed reading a new novel that me and Michael both got copies of last night. Suddenly the phone rang on my bedside table. I very rarely get calls because my only friend lives next door so if he wants to talk he will just come over.

"Hi Lucy, I know it's early but i have something really important to tell you." Michael sounded sad like he's got some really bad news. I can't even think of what it could be.

"Yeah what is it?"

" I kind of want to do it in person so do you want to meet me outside in like 5 minutes for walk?"

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