chapter 17

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January 1980
"I want you to come to dinner with me tonight."

"I would love to. Is there any special reason for it?" I ask.

"I have an important question for you, and i think over dinner is the perfect way to ask you." Michael says. "I'll pick you up at 6."

"Okay i'll see you then. I love you."

"I love you more." I hang up the phone and put it back onto hook and just start to wonder what he has in store. It could be anything. Any question, and i don't have a clue. I was trying to recall any sort of event that is going on in his life at the moment to see what he might ask.

I put on an open back, long sleeved black dress, that was a tight fit and finished just above my ankles. I paired it with some black heels and a black shoulder bag with a sparkly strap. My hair fell loose down my back, straightened.

My makeup consisted of winged eyeliner and nude lipstick. I had a natural glow to my skin at the moment which i didn't want to cover with any makeup, so i left my face mostly natural.

I saw the black out mercedes on my driveway, so i headed outside and got in the car. The day was now dark but no wind or cold breeze. The most peaceful time of day.

As i climbed inside, i saw Michael, looking handsome as ever. His hair was suited really well. His skin complemented it so well. He was such a beauty.

"So, where are we going." I question.

"Nowhere special." He says grabbing my hand, giving me his cute gentle smile.

I just loved how cute and romantic he was. Anything he does just gives me the butterflies. No matter how long we date for, I believe he will always make me feel this way. We pull up outside an Italian restaurant which I haven't been to in ages but when I was younger was one of my favourite places.

I followed out after Michael, and put on my shades and coat, to hide any suspicion from the upcoming paparazzi. Of course Michael did the same but he also had a baseball cap on. He took my hand and we quickly ran to the restaurant but my heels were slowing us down.

We are quick to find our seats in the private booth and sit down to relax. I quickly scan through the menu before I find a tomato and basil pasta dish with mozzarella. I can sense Michaels eyes diverting my way, I look up and ask him "is there something you would like to say mr Jackson?"

He giggles at what I refer to him as before he proceeds to say "You know I wanted to ask you a question right?"

"Yes... I did."

"So um, I was just wondering if you wanted to be my date for the award show this weekend. It's quite local so it shouldn't affect anything you have planned, but I think it is finally time for the world to see my girlfriend." I blush at the thought of everyone knowing but I am totally up for it. This could be a great opportunity and I could use it in my favour to become something bigger than just my normal job as a part time waitress.

"Yes I would love to, thank you." I lean over to kiss his cheek. Before the waiter comes to take our order.

The rain was pouring down the glass and soaking the streets. Bill was parked at the bottom of the road in the car park, so we had to run from here to there without the cameras finding us. I knew it was be the smarter idea to take off my heels as I can hardly walk in them never mind run in the rain. I held my coat over my head as we headed outside.

And to my dismay, the cameras found us and were asking a million and one questions. They bombarded us and we were surrounded by them with no where to escape. Lights were flashing and I couldn't make out what anyone was saying.

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