chapter 24

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The second day that we were at the McCartneys, Michael had finally discovered the missing piece to his song that he needed and now he could bring the writing to life.

Neither me or Linda had heard any one of the three songs but they had asked us to come down to the studio to watch the final recording.

I was so excited. I had never seen Michael sing in the studio before, which I couldn't actually believe. I'd seen him write songs but because he wanted "Off The Wall" to be a surprise, I'd never seen him in action.

We knocked on the studio door before we headed in and sat down on the couch where Paul and Michael were writing down some last minute touches.

"Okay, you guys wanna hear the songs?" Paul asks.

"Yeah we can't wait." Linda replies.

"Great. Okay you ready Mike?"

"Sure am." He smiles.

The first beat to "Say, Say, Say" starts playing as they get in front of their microphones with their headphones on.

Once Michael started singing, I didn't wanna be rude but he was so much better than Paul. Paul was great, however Michael was another level. His voice was powerful but smooth as he hit each note perfectly.

And then again with "The Man." His voice was just a blessing to my eyes as he stood there, tapping his thigh to the beat as he sung effortlessly.

"Okay Luce, this is the one for my album now." Michael says putting his headphones back on.

The song was slower and groovy. I liked it.

This song, Michael was first to sing and once again, I couldn't fault him. They had already recorded the backing vocals before we got there, so they we just singing the main part.

As the backing vocals were singing, which was just before Michael was about to sing the next verse, he jumps in early, but quickly stops himself and a massive smile fills his face.

He sticks his tongue out, shaking his head trying not to laugh before the next verse came. He only managed to say "the way she-" before he looked down and started to laugh.

"It was going so well!" Paul laughs.

"I'm sorry, I jumped in too early, it put me off." He giggles.

"Okay, once more from the top."

And that second time it goes perfectly, their voices jell together so well it was unbelievable.

They listen back to the songs, and once they we happy with them, they shook hands and hugged before saying goodbye.

"It was nice to meet you too Lucy." He says bringing me into a hug.

"Oh it was an honour to meet you. Thank you for being so kind and welcoming." I say.

"Oh any time." He smiles.

"Thank you so much Linda, you've been amazing, thank you for showing me some amazing recipes." I say hugging her.

"No problem sweetheart. We hope to see you both soon." She replies.

"That would be great!" I answer as we leave the studio and head to the car.

"Thank you again and see you soon." Michael says, walking away.

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