chapter 28

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I met up with some of the cousins I liked today, caught up and I went to my old home. It was abandoned, nobody had lived there since we moved out. It made me kinda sad.

We still owned it, after my career took off, I bought it before anyone else could move in. I couldn't live with the thought that somebody else was living in my bedroom.

We walked to Michaels which had been fenced off. To stop the public from raiding the home. I think seeing his home was worse. I needed to bring him tomorrow.

All the memories we shared here were endless. I can't believe in all these years I had never travelled to see my childhood home.

We also just went out for lunch, which was lovely. I had spoken to some of them on the phone, they actually could be bothered to answer me, so I knew about the main aspects of their lives.

It's crazy how they are all in their late 20s early 30s now, most of them have their own kids and are married. They had all gone their separate ways, moved out of Gary to live around the world and had such a great start to their lives.

I was the most successful cousin, but by no stretch would I say I was the happiest. Don't get me wrong, I'm living the dream, but the way all my cousins talk about their family, vacations and normal days out, it makes me sad that I'll never get to experience that with my future husband and kids.

We will be surrounded and exposed to the media. We won't be able to have trips to the zoo or go swimming at the local pool. And I feel sorry that my children will have no choice but to be brought up that way. Hidden whilst exposed.

I head to the stadium around 3, watching the final pieces be put together before the performance later. I grab my VIP pass, because some crew members still think I'm just some fan, and I find Michaels dressing room, grab a bottle of water and sit down on the couch.

It's only a few minutes later when he comes in and sees me reading through the magazines that were in the coffee table. "Hey." I say.

His head turns to face me and he looks away, trying to find his sweater. "When did you get here?" He asks.

"Are you looking for this?" I ask pointing to his sweater which was hanging over his chair.

He looks to where I was pointing and smirks. "You know me so well." He shakes his head before walking aver to me to kiss the top of my head.

"You excited for tonight?" I ask as he puts his sweater over his curls.

"Yeah, I'm excited to be back in Gary."

"Do you know where I went today?"


"I saw our homes, you need to come see for yourself tomorrow. They look so lonely and abandoned." I say.

"Really?" He asks sympathetically.

"Yeah, your home is completely fenced up, but there's so many notes and padlocks who are showing you their love." I say. "You do have the best fans."

"I know." He smirks before opening the door. "You wanna come with me now? We are just gonna do a run through quickly before the doors open."

I put the magazine down and follow behind him. "Of course I do."

I watch the final run through from the front row seats before they all head off stage and the lights dim. Meaning that fans are going to be flooding where I'm stood right now. I quickly climb up the stairs and into the wings before a security guard stops me.

"No fans past this point." He says blocking me from getting past. I show him my pass and he looks at it and shakes his head. "This is for after the show, not yet."

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