Chapter 32

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January 1982
I woke up and felt sick to my stomach. Again. I didn't wanna get out of bed but I knew I needed to actually get up today. I was meeting up with Julia at a bar for lunch to catch up because I hadn't seen her in a few weeks due to our busy schedules.

The last few months of last year, I spent a lot of time with Michael in the studio, as well as travelling with Tommy Hilfigure for a few weeks just for something to do! I absolutely loved modelling, I felt the more I did it, the more natural and easier it became.

But anyways, I forced myself out of bed and went to the bathroom and did my daily routine of hurling last nights dinner down the toilet before getting in the shower. I let the warm water wake me up and hope it gave me a little bit of energy to go drinking with my best friend.

I didn't know why I was being sick every morning, whether it was to do with my recent diagnosis's or what, but it wasn't the most pleasant thing to be woken up with every morning.

I hadn't even seen Michael in a few days, he had been going to the studio before I woke up, and coming home after I've gone to sleep.

I've been calling him and Quincy making sure he's remembering to feed and water himself because I know he would forget if I didn't keep reminding him. I call at least twice a day to keep us both sane, I did go to the studio quite a lot, but when you aren't creating, it can get quite boring.

I grabbed a glass of water and an apple before going to find a nice casual outfit. I ended up settling on cream jumper with low rise jeans and a messy bun.

A nice enough outfit that if the paps found me, I wouldn't be bothered cos my outfit would be slaying. I grab my keys and purse and headed out the door. So I walked down to the parking lot and got into my car and drove down to the bar.

After a 10 minute drive, I pulled up at the back entrance and headed into the pub. I had my glasses on because I feel like I look like a different person with them on and people never see me in them.

I saw Julia sat at the bar, talking to the barman and flirting with him. After her and Randy broke up, she's been very flirty with people. I felt really bad for her, because Randy didn't treat her right.

I love Randy don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't want to date any of the other Jackson brothers because they seemed to have inherited their behaviour towards women from Joseph.

But Michael has inherited his love from his mother instead of his father. He was a polar opposite to his dad, saw his wrong doings and did the opposite.

After he found out about Joseph's secret love child back in 1974, he was so distraught. Not because of JohVonnie being born but instead how Joseph cheated on Katherine and ruined their marriage.

It was never perfect between Michael's parents and this was just another hurdle that Katherine seemed to forgive him for. Michael was too forgiving, yet another trait he inherited from his mother because they treated JohVonnie as a daughter/sister as it wasn't her fault that she was born.

Anyways, Julia was slightly heartbroken when she found out Randy had been seeing another girl, Eliz whilst they were still together but she's a strong enough woman to not let that ruin her life.
She knew there was plenty other fish in the sea for her.

"Hey girlie!" I say french kissing her and pulling her in for a hug.

"Hiya babe, how are you doing?" She asks.

"Been better, how about you?" I ask.

"Why? What's wrong?" She asks concerned.

"We have the whole afternoon to discuss, are you doing okay?"

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