chapter 6

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Monday 6th September 1971

Not a single day went by without me and Michael seeing each other. Neither of us went on vacation or on tour. We spent nearly everyday by our favourite spot that we have called "Neverland" Michaels favourite movie is peter pan and i am a fan of it myself so it kind of made sense.

But today i was starting school. I wasn't nervous which was odd as normally my nerves take the better of me. But instead excited for a new beginning, new people in a new school. I just thought that nobody can be as bad as the 2 faced idiots in my old school. School was a further drive now, so my mum had to drop me off.

"Are you nervous?" She peered at me through the mirror trying to figure out what i was feeling.

"No not really, i'm excited more than anything." I gave her a smile.

"Good good," she smiled back at me and the rest of the drive was silent, filling the car with the sound of the radio which played vaguely. I rested my head against the window deep in thoughts before the car pulled up at the school. "Here we are. Go enjoy it."

"Thank you, see you later," I gave her one last smile before i opened the car door and headed for the gates. It was much bigger than our other school. In Gary, there was 50 people in the year. Here, it looks there's about 50 people in each class. I was a bit overwhelmed but i guess more people, there's more people that will like you, or hate you.

I tried to be friendly, smiled at everyone that walked past, but instantly i could tell by their demeanour what their opinions already were of me. I brushed it off, they can't already not like me. They haven't even spoke to me yet.

The only thing familiar about this school rang, and i headed off to first period. Except i didn't know where first period was.

"Are you the new girl? Lucy, right?"

"Yeah hi." She pulled me in for a hug which i really wasn't expecting, but it was nice to see people being kind.

"I'm Julia, i've been told to help you for a few days whilst you get used to the school." She pulled back and gave me a toothy grin. "So what have you got first?"

"Uhh, English." I was happy about that, i still have the same passion as i did when i was younger.

"Oh me too. Okay i'll show you the way, follow me." I nodded and did as i was instructed.

We got to class and i was really hoping that the teacher wouldn't make a fuss over me. I really hate being in the spotlight. I was shy, like Michael. The first real reason we bonded so well. Luckily, the teacher, Mrs Brown gave me a smile, welcomed me and i sat down. No fuss. It was all good.

Mrs Brown was a really good teacher, and i was loving this school so much better than my old one already. Lunch came and Julia invited me to sit with her and her group of friends.

"Everyone, this is Lucy." I smiled at them all and they all reciprocated it back to me which i was surprised about. "This is Debbie, Lizzie, Kim and Vicky." To give me a clearer understanding, as she said their name she pointed at them so i could decipher them.

"Nice to meet you all." I sat down next to Kim and opposite Julia. I was kind of fitting in for once. I wasn't being made fun of, or being interrogated by questions, but just a lovely conversation with some lovely girls.

I saw my mums car by the gate and walked towards with a happy look on my face. I hopped in the car next to my mum.

"So, how was it?"

"It was great, this girl Julia really welcomed me and let me sit with her and her friends at lunch."

"Oh that's wonderful to hear. So the next few years you will have a good group of friends." I looked at her confused knowing that this was my last year at middle school, but i just waited for her to finish, "So i found out today that the high school is a feeder from the middle school, so all the same people will attend the same high school."

The person he neededNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ