chapter 7

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It was was the day before my birthday and all my school friends had came over to mine for the night. I didn't want them on my actual birthday as i wanted Michael and his family over, and obviously i couldn't invite them both over on the same day

We were all in the car driving back to my house from school. I have never had them over yet, but they all seemed thrilled to see my home and room. Once my mum pulled up the drive, the girls were already shocked to see the size of my house. I lived in quite a wealthy area. I mean Michael lived down the road and it was half an hour to the closest school. I'm hoping they don't find out just how close Michael lives.

We entered my home and i gave them a quick tour before i showed them up to my room. We climbed the stairs to the third floor and i opened my door.

"Wow Lucy your room is lovely."

"Aw thank you. Make yourselves at home but i do have something to show you." They all stopped they were doing eager to know what i was talking about. I didn't say anything i just stood on my desk and laughed at my confused friends faces. I opened the window and did my usual jump up and sit on the edge. "Are you going to come up?" They all giggled and raced to my desk to be the first one to get up. I shuffled back a bit to let all my friends have space to come up. Julia came up first and came and sat next to me admiring the view.

Next came Liz. I just saw her head poke up and her face when she saw how much further she could see being further up. The rest of the girls followed with the same reaction on their faces. We all just admired the view and were 2 hours deep in conversation. Nothing in particular mainly boys at our school. But i was shocked when i was brought into the conversation.

"Oh Lucy, Will definitely has a crush on you. I think you should start talking to him." I was brought back by that question. I had never thought of dating anyone before. I know a lot people my age are, but i just haven't been that interested. When they all revealed they had a crush on Michael i was so confused, but i guess because i see him as my best friend.

"I don't think so. I don't really want a boyfriend. I'm too young."

"Not really, i'm just saying you could probably date any boy, you are so beautiful." I'm pretty sure i blushed and all the girls nodded in agreement. People always said i was pretty but i only thought it was just standard to say. My mum always calls me beautiful but of course i am to her because i'm her daughter.

"Really? Do you think i am?"

"Yeah, and in my opinion i think you should date Will." They all giggled and i awkwardly joined in. I mean i could give it a go. Maybe i should date him when i reach high school. So we have matured a bit. Vicky, Debbie and Liz already had a boyfriend, so they knew a bit about boys. I know about a boy. The boy is Michael but not in a "boyfriend" way.

I woke up after having a fun night with my friends. And now i was even more excited to spend the day with the Jacksons. I ran down the stairs to find that my parents had already decorated the home with balloons and posters wishing me a happy 14th birthday. Walking in to the kitchen, some presents lay on the the couch with a few cards from extended family.

"Happy birthday to you." I heard my parents coming in from the living room in the kitchen to greet me a happy birthday. I gave them a hug and thanked them for all the presents. My brother soon came in with a video camera to document the day. I sat down and went through all my presents, which i were super grateful for.

Around 11am, there was knock at the door. I knew exactly who it was, so i darted as quickly as i could to open the front door. My face lit open when i saw my favourite people stood there with presents and big smiles on their faces.

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