chapter 11

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Mine and Michaels friendship has luckily stayed the same. No awkwardness, no shyness nothing. I was so glad about it

I have been loving school more than i have ever loved it before. My friends were great, my grades were great and the teachers were great.

Michael had released 3 albums, "Forever, Michael" "Dancing Machine" and "Moving Violation" One solo, two with his brothers. That was the last album to be released in the group. The Jackson 5 became the Jacksons. Randy had now joined the group. They were releasing their second album as "The Jacksons" at the end of this year, releasing their first one last year. I, of course has bought everyone and had had it signed and know every song off by heart.

When i had told Michael what Will said, he wanted to be happy, but through his eyes, i could tell they were full of sadness. I didn't know if he just didn't like him, or he didn't want me to drift away spending more time with Will than him. I promised i would never do that, he just nodded but i don't think he really believed it.

So i have been making lots of effort to see him as much as possible and i sometimes see him multiple times a day.

I woke up this morning to do my everyday routine. This consists of going for a run before the sun rises, some yoga and pilates to stay in shape, in the shower, skincare and sort out my hair. I enter my closet to pick out my outfit and then i head downstairs to eat some breakfast. The day was miserable. Rain. I love the rain. I made myself some pancakes with lots of berries and headed over to Havenhurst.

I opened my car, with my jacket over my head. I couldn't find my coat, this would do. I drove down the desolate roads and parked outside. I ran under the porch and out of the rain. Knocking on the door, Michael was quick to answer.

"Hey Lucy, how are you? What are you doing here?"

"Do you want to dance in the rain with me like we always used to do?" He displayed a massive grin on his face before quickly putting on his loafers. We quickly jumped in my car, out of the rain and continued down the road. We arrived in our favourite spot. Neverland.

We had no music but we didn't need any. We just ran and danced. Something so little but so fun. My hair was soaked but i didn't care. My clothes we see through but i didn't care. I was in my favourite place with my favourite person. I saw Michael running towards me and i paced towards him. I ran with my arms out as he picked me up and spun us around. I was squealing and laughing, looking down at Michael who was giggling, looking at me with so much admiration. He put me down, keeping a hold of my arms.

Our smiles faded when we were only a few inches away from each other. I placed my hands on his arms and moved up towards his shoulders and placed them there. He grabbed my lower back and pulled me closer towards him. I looked deep into his brown orbs that could probably hypnotise me. Our hair was completely drenched, Michaels curls were gorgeous and fell down, covering his neck

I moved my hands and clasped them behind his neck,. This was it.

One of his hands cupped my cheeks, our eyes not losing contact at any point. I was lost in the trance of staring at his beautiful features, whilst he was doing the same. I leaned forwards and so did he. I placed my lips on his. The connection throughout my body was so strong. He continued to pull me closer towards him. Both his hands were tangled in my hair, pulling my head closer to deepen the kiss. The butterflies were building up in my stomach each second we were kissing. I could have wished this moment would last forever.

I pulled back, in need of air and in shock. He looked at me stroking my cheek still not losing any eye contact. He looked at me with admiration tucking my soaking wet hair behind my ear as i clasped my hands around his head and we put our foreheads together. I break the eye contact and look at the ground

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