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🎶life goes on, it gets so heavy.🎶



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Nearly 7 years ago

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Nearly 7 years ago....

Michael's head was laid gently on his arms as he sat by his grandmother's bedside. He was 16 years old here, but felt himself growing at an alarming rate at how much he has to deal with on a day to day basis.

His grandmother was in and out of the hospital due to her health scares and he would be out of school to watch over her at times—although she insisted she'd be fine with his absence at school.

His grandfather hasn't been around since he was 12 due to his death, so it's just been the 2 of them.

He felt a bit of movement underneath his arms and he jolted up, eyes focusing on his grandmother's who stared right back at him with hazy ones.

His lips curved upwards slowly and lightly. "You're awake." He breathed.

She looked around confused. "What happened?" She asked.

"Cardiac arrest." Michael simply stated. "Again." He added.

She looked up at the ceiling and exhaled, running a hand down her face. It stressed her out that she's in and out of the hospital, but mostly because it affects Michael too. She knows he's been through a lot, and she feels she's a big burden on him.

"Michael, I'm sorry." She shook her head.

His brows knitted. "It ain't somethin' to apologize for. I'm just glad you're fine."  He scoffed.

His words usually contrast with his true feelings at times. He doesn't like to showcase his emotions and puts those things aside.

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