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🎶im upset. fifty thousand on my head it's disrespect🎶

 fifty thousand on my head it's disrespect🎶-drake

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      IT'S been just a few days since Michael's grandmother died, and since he got the news of it

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      IT'S been just a few days since Michael's grandmother died, and since he got the news of it. Since his mother invited him to chat about it—which failed, and since his denial started.

It's been a tough few days, mainly because Michael has become a bit erratic. Unpredictable. Not himself.

"B, can you please ask King if he knows where Michael is?" Naija sat on the edge of the bed, 1am in the morning, voice tired and drained. She held her phone tiredly to her ear.

"What? He ain't home whichu?" She asked.

Naija shook her head like Bianca could see and yawned. "No. I woke up 'n he wasn't in bed. Then I realized he's not even in the house 'n he just went out. Since it's this late, I have an idea of what he could be doing right now."

Around 10pm was when Naija knocked out and the last time she saw Michael, so it's unclear to tell what time he actually went out—but she knows him well enough to know he drowns his sorrows in liquor so he won't have to feel them in the moment.

"Ight I'll ask King."

Naija sighed and shook her head at herself. "I shoulda kept a closer eye on him. In his state of mind right now it isn't a good idea to go out drinking. It'll make things worse."

"It ain't your fault, Nai. Whether you were awake or not I don't even think you could keep him from goin' out. The nigga's adamant when it comes to alcohol. We'll get ahold of him."

Naija cracked a small smile. "Thanks, B." She said and hung up, sighing once more.

It's been a dark few days since everything unraveled. Michael went from being in complete denial and silence to impulsive and angry. He had so much anger built up inside of him that it'll be hard to even read him fully.

This is about the second time now he's disappeared without a trace and anyone's knowledge, but last time he returned home—drunk. It's a bit hard to keep track of him these days and Naija knows it'll take a while to get the old him back.

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