Chapter 37

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I heard his little cries in the other room through the baby monitor. I got up and went there to see my lil baby in his crib. It's a hot day so he must be feeling hot. I took off his clothes and started rocking him back and forth.

I heard footsteps coming towards us and soon my handsome husband became visible with the baby bottle in his hand. He had no T-shirt on and he was looking scrumptious. He gave me the bottle and I started feeding our son Adonis.

Ricky: It's hot as fuck out there.

Me: I know. That's why he's crying so much. It's too hot for him.

He nodded his head and turned on the aircon. We heard the door open and loud noises were heard.

Ricky: That must be the boys.

I finished feeding Adonis and burped him then I handed him to Ricky. We both went downstairs and we saw everyone in the lounge.

Ricky: Wassup y'all.

They all looked at us and got up to see the baby. They haven't seen him ever since he left the hospital and he's one month now.

Santiago: Damn he looks like Ricky.

Omar: Ricky's clone if you ask me (chuckling).

Santiago: Copy and paste if you ask me.

We all shared a laugh and I noticed that Adonis does look a lot like Ricky.

Ayisha: But at least he has your eyes.

I rolled my eyes while giggling. My giggle was interrupted by a knock at the door. Riley went to go get it and when she did all we heard was gunshots. Her lifeless body flew onto the ground when all of us scattered.

Ricky and I bolted towards the basement. I saw a dozen men enter the house and started shooting everything. Santiago and the boys shot back but they got hit. I watched as their bodies fell onto the floor.

Ayisha and the girls got hit too. Everyone was dead. My friends were laying there in a pool of their own blood. I couldn't think straight. Ricky gave me Adonis and closed the basement door. He barricaded the door with an old fridge while he started moving around.

Ricky: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I didn't know that tears were running down my cheeks until they fell onto Adonis. We heard a big knock at the basement door.

Person: We know your in there Ricky (chuckling).

Wait. They know him?

Person: Come out now and we may not harm you. But if you don't, we're coming in.

Ricky and I locked eyes. I saw so much fear in his eyes. He came over to Adonis and I and kneeled.

Ricky: I love you guys so much baby and I'm so sorry for this.

He gave Adonis a kiss on the forehead and he gave me a deep kiss. I didn't like the kiss. It told me that we're gonna die. He pulled away and I saw he was crying. I've never seen him cry before.

Me: Ricky I'm scared.

Ricky: I know baby, I know.


He got up and went to the door. He moved the fridge out the way and opened the door. He was pushed onto the floor and 4 men came in. 3 men picked Ricky up and 1 man came to me. He pulled me upstairs were I saw them beating Ricky up. I can't believe this is happening.

I looked around to see all our friends dead. The sight was horrific. It's total carnage. They stopped beating him and laid him on his stomach. 2 guys then held him down and made him look at us.

Person: So this must be your gorgeous wife and son.

Ricky: Please man. Let them go.

Person: Oh no Ricky. I can't do that. Remember you took everything from me. Now imma do the same.

That person came over to me and snatched Adonis outta my hands. My heart sank. He instantly started crying. I tried getting up but someone held me back.

Person: Such a pretty boy. He would've grown up to break a lotta hearts.


Me: P-please. L-let my b-baby go.

By now I'm a crying mess.

Person: Blame Ricky for everything that's about to happen.


That person looked shocked.

Person: Thee Murda is begging me? Wow. Never thought I'd see that day (chuckling).

All the other guys started laughing.

Person: But I think that's a little too late.

He brought out his gun from his pants and tears started pouring out of my eyes.

Me: P-please d-don't kill my baby. H-he didn't do anything.

Person: That's true but Ricky did.

He put my crying baby on the floor and pointed it to his head.

Person: Say goodbye to mommy and daddy.


Ricky was fidgeting a lot but he couldn't get out of their hold. And with that I heard the sound of a gunshot which made me close my eyes shut. I heard no cries. The whole world stopped. I opened my eyes to see my baby laying there dead. I felt like I was frozen. I didn't wanna believe it. My baby can't be gone man.

Person: Now we can have some peace and quiet.

I looked at him which so much hate and disgust. I never hated someone this much in my entire life.

Person: Don't look at me like that love. This is all Ricky's fault.

I looked over at Ricky to see him crying on the floor. That person then looked at me.

Person: Lift his face up. I want him to watch his wife die.

Oh wow. I'm next now. They lifted Ricky's head up and our eyes locked. I never seen him so broken and I can't believe the last time imma see him like this before I die. I can't believe Im gonna die because of him.

Person: Any last words?

I looked at the person then at Ricky again.

Me: I love you and I forgive you Ricky.

And with that I heard a gunshot. I felt a pain on my left side. It went straight into my heart. I collapsed onto the floor and looked at Ricky. My heart was slowing down and my blinking was slowing down. All I heard was Ricky's cries and screams. And soon, darkness took over.

I didn't proof read, I apologise for any errors.
To be continued.....

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