Chapter 11

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Henry jumped as the body of the legion assassin fell. “Jeez, Wormwood, any closer you would’ve taken my head off.”

Frank Wormwood spoke as he rushed down the hall to a door. “No time to argue! Legion troops could be anywhere.”

Henry, Lizzy, Boone, Shank, and Arcade all followed the old ghoul through the door and up to the surface. The air stank of irradiated water as the shore line was battered with it. They saw several power armor clad soldiers with a black ox head painted on the shoulders. Each of them held either Type 95 assault rifles, Laser rifles, or Y818/X Gauss Rifles. Several Vertibirds sat humming as troops and supplies were loaded up with great speed. As Henry looked around, he realized who these people where.

“Your Brotherhood of Steel, aren’t you?” He asked.

Frank spoke quickly “Yes and no. We’re Outcasts led by Father Elijah.”

“Father Elijah? Didn’t he go to the Serra Madre?” Henry asked.

Frank nodded. “Yes, how did you know?”

“I worked with a former student of Elijah, Veronica Santelego.” Henry said. There was the sound of yelling and they turned to see several Black Oxen soldiers firing at Legion Assassins.

“Dammit! They’ve made their presence known.” Frank said as he pulled his recharger pistol back out. “Get into the Vertibirds!”

Everyone ran to the large flying vehicles. Henry grabbed his pistol and fired at Legionaries that made it past the lines of defense. The Vertibird rose into the air and the large blast doors sealed shut. Henry sighed and looked over at Lizzy, who was sitting on one of the large seats. “Well that’s a great way to be woken up.”

Lizzy gave a sheepish smile. “Sure and get the shit scared out of you at the same time.”

The communicator on the Vertibirds com systems buzzed into life. “Execute Order Bravo 249-7.”

“Understood.” Said the Pilot. He pressed a button on the panel and the Vertibird was rocked by an explosion. Rays of bright light came in through the cracks and blinded everyone inside. Henry peered through one of the cracks when his vision came back and he saw that the island of Alcatraz was set ablaze.

“President Rameriz.” Frank’s voice said through the com system. “We will need a place for shelter now that we are homeless. Perhaps somewhere away from the Brotherhood, I don’t want to get into a quarrel with McNamara when we get back.”

Henry got up and walked over to the com system. “Understood, I’ll try and see if there are any Vaults or something that are avalible.”

“Fine then. Oh and one more thing, there is a communication from the Lyons Pride from D.C., they want to speak to you personally.”

“Well I don’t have time to go to Washington D.C.” Henry shot at Wormwood.

“I know that, they are coming to Vegas to help. Apparently some survivors from the town of Megaton in the D.C. area are residing in Westside and the leader has connections with them.” Frank said.

“Really? Well then this is good news isn’t it? We need all the help we can get.” Henry said.

Suddenly there was a new voice on the com system. It was lined with a thick southern drawl and was fueled with overconfidence. “President Rameriz, I presume?”

“Who is this?” Henry asked.

“I am Colonel Augustus Autumn of the United States Enclave. Your enemy’s new ally. I want to make this simple. If you surrender Jackie Escado to us in 24 hours, we will withdraw from the war.”

“How the hell is he getting into this transmission?” The Pilot grunted as he tried jamming the signal.

“Who is Jackie Escado?” Henry asked, ignoring the pilot’s question.

“Mr. Escado is the leader of Megaton, well actually he leads a band of ruffians from a shanty town and . . ., I don’t have to tell you! Now I am normally a patient man but I want Escado dead more than my men want him to be. We have already captured Camp Guardian and we are close to Camp Forlorn Hope, Before long we will take Vegas.” Autumn snapped.

“Listen Colonel,” Henry growled. “I’m going to make you a deal, you stay out of this war and I won’t blow your brains all over the Mojave. I will hunt you down, I will find you, and I will kill you. Do you have that, jerk off?”

Autumn sighed, making a rasping noise on the com. “You have sealed your fate, President Rameriz.” The line went dead.

Henry looked at the pilot. “Can you make this thing go any faster?”

“It’s as fast as it will ever get, We’ll be in Vegas in two hours.” The pilot replied.

Henry grunted and sat down next to Lizzy. “Do you think we’ll win?” he asked her.

“I don’t know darling, I don’t know.” Replied Lizzy as she placed her head on his shoulder. Before long they drifted off into sleep, Henry’s mind filled with worry.

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