Chapter 22

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Jackie ducked behind a overturned car as a volley of bullets hailed overhead. Form what he could tell, the super mutants’ put up more of a fight than the Enclave, but if the Brotherhood of Steel wasn't around, the Megaton survivors wouldn't of stood a chance. The severed arm of a mutant flopped over the side of the car. Jackie fought off the urge to throw it over the side of the car.

He fired a few shots from his magnum, and ran to the next spot of cover. Behind it was Lucas, Elder Rickenbacker, and Doc Church, who was staunching the bleeding from the stump of a B.O.S Paladin’s leg.

"What the hell's going on here?" asked Lucas to Rickenbacker. "Do you normally get unwelcomed guests like this?"

Rickenbacker shook his head. "We've had a few hit-and-run attacks, but nothing this sophisticated."

The assembled group flinched as  bullets bounced off of car/barrier.

"Get the caravan to safety." Ordered Jackie. "Get any unarmed people out as well, we don't need any more unwanted casualties."

"Yeah and how the fuck are we supposed to do that when we are being shot at?" retorted Church, applying pressure to the paladin’s stump.

"Rickenbacker, have half of your force escort people out of the city, and the other give cover fire to the escapees." Jackie told the Elder. Rickenbacker nodded and said a few things into his earpiece.

He looked up. "Done, evacuations are in progress as we speak."

A missile flew overhead  and into a crashed Vertibird, causing chunks of shrapnel to fly everywhere. Jackie was almost decapitated by wayward propeller blade.

"On my mark, run south to where the evac is station at."  said Rickenbacker. "One. Two. THREE!" They all ran, Jackie and Doc Church carrying the injured paladin on their shoulders. Bullets whizzed overhead. As far as they could tell, they were not hit.

They soon reached to escape area, a hole in the cities wall. They jumped through the hole before C4 sealed the hole. Jackie sat the injured paladin on a gurney as two people from Megaton carted him away. He looked at the others and saw they were ok. Everyone, except Lucas. As his eyes hit him, his reaction was terror. "Lucas, you were hit." He said.

Simms looked down to see a rapidly growing dark stain grow across his torso. The smile on his face fell as he dropped.

Jackie rushed over and cradled his friend in his arms. Lucas's dark brown skin was growing paler as his heart pumped blood out of his body.

"Somebody get help!" Jackie yelled as he put pressure on the wound. Someone kneeled down next to him, he looked up to see Amata with a roll of bandages.

A choked cough came out of Lucas's mouth. "Don't even, it won't help."

"No, no. you’re going to be fine." said Jackie, ripping back the man’s shirt, applying gauss to the blood-stained wound on Lucas's abdomen.

"Jackie..." Lucas's request was barely a whisper. Jackie leaned forward to hear the man’s final words. "Take care of them." he pointed to the people of Megaton. "Take care of your wife." indicating Amata. "Don't let anything happen to her. Take this Cowboy's last piece of advice. Your world will not be the same if she dies." Lucas closed his green eyes. His breathing was growing ever so slower, and slower. Then the mayor of Megaton, a man like a brother to Jackie. Moved no more.

FALLOUT: War for Vegas {WattyAwards 2013 Contender (Did not make Finalist) }Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz