Chapter 18

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Benny took Henry to a small office inside the mafia's base. When inside, he saw a arrangement of weapons lining the walls. On the desk sat a solid gold great sword. The man sitting behind the desk wore a rich blue suit with white cuffs. His jet black hair matted and his beard was strangely trim.

"Benny, who is this fink?" asked the man.

"Old friend of mine, sir." Benny said, who was obviously not used to answering questions like that. "He's the leader of New Vegas, the one you've been talking so highly about."

The man’s mouth grew into a excited smile, like a kid in a candy store. "Well I'll be damned! Didn't know you had friends in high places. Welcome President Rameriz, how can I help you?"

Henry felt slightly at ease speaking since he knew he would have good results. "I want to forge an alliance with you and a small band of Yakuza renegades."

The man (Who Henry guessed was Joe Bannano) gave a quizzical look. "I understand the 'me' part, but what do you mean a small group of Yakuza renegades or whatever?"

"I mean a Yakuzain by the name of Tek disagrees whit Zero's idea to join the Legion wants to join with me, and so do a few Yakuzains." Henry replied. "I don't fully trust him, yet, but so far I haven't gotten any reports he's betrayed us."

Bannano stared at him as though he was a slab of hieroglyphics. "And if he decides to stab us in the back?"

Henry knew something like this would come up."If he does do something like this my forces will vape him."

After a few minutes, Bannano replied." Ok, we'll help. Signal us when you’re ready. After we're finished I want to talk about agreements and where the mafia will set up before fealty to you."


It was around midnight when Henry returned to the camp inside the store. He opened the door. Arcade, Shank, Boone, and Tek slept around a dying fire. He was going to lie down and fall asleep as well, but something caught his eye.

A figure stood in the stairway. It was that dammed woman again! She ran up the stairs, silently as though she was water vapor. Henry raced up after her to the second level.

"Who are you?" he asked when he stood a good ten feet away. She turned around.

"You honestly don't remember me?" she asked. "I was at the Vault, according to you I died."

Henry was confused. "What? The overseer let us go, there were no deaths. Everyone left unharmed and fully healthy. Now who the hell are you?"

The woman laughed. "Your brain has been really screwed up. That bastard you call a friend purged it exactly four months and twenty four days ago."

Henery was really confused now. "What do you-?" but he remembered what the "Purging" was. On that day, four months and twenty four days ago, Benny shot him in the head and left him for dead. Three days later he woke up in Doc Mitchell’s house in Goodsprings. But part of his memory was fuzzy, like blanket of snow was draped across it."

"Your talking about when Benny shot me." he said.

The woman nodded. "Yeah, your spot on. But I can't stay and chat, I've got to dash." She ran and jumped out of the nearest window. Henry rushed over, but when he looked into the streets below, there was nothing but broken glass.

He heard the sound of rushing footsteps. He turned and saw Shank standing in the doorway, his Hunting Shotgun cradled in his arms.

"Boss, you alright?" What t'a hell was that?" he asked.

Henry shook his head. "Just knocked something through the window by accident. Its alright you can go back to sleep."

Shank shrugged and walked downstairs, leaving Henry alone.

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