Chapter 21

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Tek walked up to Shiran carefully, as though he would disintegrate with the slightest touch. Henry watched, making sure the assembled Yakuzian's didn't attack. Shiran grabbed Tek's left shoulder, Tek grabbed Shiran's right. The elder said something in Japanese, with Tek replying in the same language.

Shiran then spoke in English. "Can we trust these men, Tek? They could be my brother's spies."

Tek nodded."We can trust them. They are from New Vegas, and they require assistance from us and the Caecilians against a great threat."

Shiran nodded and looked at Henry. "What is your name?"

Henry held out his hand. "Henry Rameriz, President of New Vegas." Shiran took the outstretched hand and shook it with great vigor. After nearly getting his hand crushed, he looked over at his comrades. "And these are my companions; Arcade Gannon, Craig Boone, And Michael Shank."

"Funny, we were just talking about you a moment ago." Indicated Boone.

Shiran gave another booming laugh. "Did you know? I hope it was something pleasant, I would hate to have to kill you."

Henry raised his hand. "I don't mean any disrespect, but we are on a time schedule and we need to figure out how to wipe out Zero, any suggestions?"

One of the Bosudo spoke. "It will not be easy as you think."



Jackie and Amata entered the medical tent. Inside where dozens of beds and a handful of cabinets. At the desks near the end of the tent was a short African-American woman with auburn hair and green eyes. She wore a blue Brotherhood scribe robe and a plasma pistol hung from her hip.

The woman looked up. "My name is Dr. Thora Lerax. Did Elder Rickenbacker send you. What is it that’s bothering you?"

Jackie raised his ghoulified arm up. Dr. Lerax sat up and walked towards him. She suddenly yanked his arm closer to her face, which alone sent shocks of pain through Jackie's skull. He dropped to one knee. Amata dropped next to him, wrapping her arms around his back. She looked up at Dr. Lerax. "What the hell did you do?" she asked harshly.

Lerax didn't reply, but she grabbed several needles, a medical drill with screws, and a arm sleeve for a T-58b power armor suit.

Sounding as though death was at the doorstep, she said. "Slip your arm through here." she helped Jackie slip his infected arm through the arm piece and grabbed six of the seven needles and jabbed them into little holes in the arm, numbing Jackie. She took the drill and a screw and placed it on the sleeve.

Lerax started drilling the sleeve into Jackie’s arm. It felt weird, considering the fact that his arm was numbed. The screws almost felt like someone poking Jackie's flesh. After the last screw was placed, Lerax took the last needle and injected a thick blue liquid into his shoulder. His arm swelled to fill all of the empty space in the sleeve.

"It will take some time getting used to." Lerax said shakily.

"What happened, exactly?" Jackie said, dazed.

"There has been a string of outbreaks like yours." Said Lerax, grabbing a bottle of scotch and poured a cup for each of them, which Jackie downed in a instant.

Lerax continued. "Some of our members have been succumbing to Irradiation outbreaks like yours. In a matter of day’s feral if I hadn't sealed it off. The power armor arm contains the infected area. The seventh shot turned your arm into a adhesive of sorts. Now the power armor arm is technically tour arm now."

Though it sounded outlandish by itself, Jackie and Amata registered it with grim satisfaction. Jackie moved his 'arm,' flexing it and opening his palms. Surprisingly, it felt natural, like his arm was never infected.

Suddenly Gob rushed in. "We've got trouble" he said. Jackie, Amata, and Dr. Lerax all sprang up. Jackie instinctively reached for his handgun, but it wasn't in the holster. Lerax rushed out of the tent, plasma pistol in hand. Amata pulled out a .357 magnum and handed it to Jackie, along with some rounds. Together, they rushed out of the tent.

The sight they were greeted by seemed like a recreation of the attack at Megaton, except giant hulking Super Mutants replaced the Enclave in this version. Jackie ducked as a hubcap from a car came whizzing past his head.

"Amata, stay in the tent." Jackie said firmly.

She looked up at him with irritation. "Did that scotch fuck up your brain? There is no way in hell I'm leaving you alone in this crap!"

Jackie grabbed her arm. "Please do it, for the baby's sake." He looked her meaningfully in the eyes.

She sighed and kissed him. "You better be alive when this shit's over." She said as she rushed back into the tent. Jackie turned and raced into the fray."


Henry looked puzzled at the Boshudo man. "What do you mean? It should be simple to kill this one man?"

Shiran interjected. "I know it sounds like something from 'Dr.Jeykle and Mr. Hyde' thing, but my brother has created elixir to change his form, making him incredibly fast and smart."

Henry stifled a laugh. "You’re shitting me, right? Shiran shook his head. In all seriousness, Henry continued. "What does this 'elixir' do exactly?"

Shiran replied "He is as strong as a death claw, as smart as a brain-bot, and faster than a full grown nights talker. He tested the elixir on me, since we were of the same bloodline."

Shank asked. "So can you turn into this thing at will, or do you need the elixir to change into it?"

A unsettling grin grew across the eldest of the Kano's face. "Does this answer your question?" Shiran's skin rippled, his muscles grew into a immense size, as wide as the beret on Boone's head. Curved horns protruded out of his mane of shaggy hair. His eyes widened the pupils and whites of the eyes turning a blood red. Shiran, or not Shiran, smiled. A mouthful of sharp teeth shown, incisors the size of Henry’s Index finger.

"Extraordinary." Arcade said. Boone grunted, and Henry wasn't sure if Shank passed out or died.

A voice that sounded as though it came out of the depths of hell rose to Shiran's mouth. "So, now you see what Zero can now become. The elixir alters the DNA; drink more of the elixir, the more monstrous you become. I have drunk five doses; my brother drank twenty-eight."

Henry’s eyes widened. "So at five doses you became twice your size, but if Zero drank twenty eight. . ."

That means he'll be one tough son-of-a-bitch to take down." Boone finished.

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