Chapter 8

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Night soon fell over Megaton. Almost everyone was asleep, well except for the people at Moriarty's Saloon and Lucas Simms. He sat on the porch of his house, looking up towards the sky. The light of the moon made his dark skin seem a palish grey. He kept thinking about his son, Harden, who left to join the Brotherhood of Steel. "Hope my boy is doing good, never thought that I'd see the day he became a man." he mumbled to himself. A red flicker of light rose above the city. Confused, Lucas pulled out his binoculars and raised them to his eyes to get a better look. Suddenly, a shot rang out, causing him to drop the binoculars and pull out his assault rifle. Officer Herman Gomez, one of the Vault members, ran out to stand next to Simms. He wore his Vault 101 Security outfit and held his 10mm handgun by his side.

"What in god’s name was that?" Gomez asked.

"That was most likely a gunshot, probably from hunters or raiders." Lucas replied. Suddenly, there was a loud PING! as a bullet whizzed by his head and hit the metal side of his house. The two lawmen looked around and saw Enclave Soldiers, in full power armor and holding weapons from the AER9 Laser rifle to a Type 95 Chinese assault rifle,

"Shit, more Enclave." Lucas Cursed.

"What do we do now?" asked Gomez sheepishly. He was used to Radroach infestations and small riots, not full on assaults.

"RUN!" yelled Lucas, and they both ran down the walkway, bullets and laser's flying overhead. Gomez fired a few blind shots behind him and stopped just before a console. He hit a red button and a siren could be heard, probably as far as New Reno. All around the members of the Megaton Militia started to appear and return fire. Lucas ducked behind cover.

"Keep suppressing fire!" yelled Simms to Gomez and the militiamen around him. "Don't let them reach the town center!"


Jackie was half-way in his Armored Jumpsuit when Amata pulled the covers over her chest and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Please be careful." She said.

Jackie leaned over and kissed her. "I will." he promised. He finished putting on his Jumpsuit and grabbed his 10mm pistol and Chinese Officer's Sword and ran out of the door. He was greeted by the deafening sound of bullets striking metal, people screaming, and explosions. He looked to his right and saw an Enclave officer with a sword of his own. Jackie holstered his gun and unsheathed his sword. The officer lunged forward, aiming for his right pectoral. Jackie dodged it with tilting to the right and slashed back at the officer. His attack was clumsily parried by the officer, who stepped back. Jackie used that fraction of a second to thrust his sword into the officer's chest. The blade hit his heart, slicing through the man's chest like a hot knife on melted butter. The man stepped back off the sword and fell off of the guard rail. The officer fell silently off the balcony and into the streets below. Jackie sheathed his sword and ran towards a group of militiamen under fire by Enclave shoulders.

He was relieved to see Butch DeLoria amongst the crowd. Butch had wavy brown hear, like the people in Rivet City. He wore a leather jacket over his Vault 101- Jumpsuit. Over the noise, Jackie cried out "Butch, you all right here?"

"NO!" yelled Butch. "First off, this isn't what I had in mind at this time at night. Anyway, its good to see you again Escado, I don't know whether to hug Ya your Punch Ya!" Butch and Jackie had a rough childhood together, from Butch trying to take Jackie's sweet roll to Butch and his 'gang' called the Tunnel snakes sexually harassing Amata, resulting in Jackie taking them all on. All in all, they never saw eye-to-eye.

There was another deafening BANG! close by. Jackie and Butch peaked over the barrier to see Moriarty's Saloon in flames. They saw the owner Colin Moriarty, Gob, and the prostitute/hotel manager Nova run out of the building. Over the calmer they could still hear Colin yell in his Irish accent.

"Blazing Enclave Bast'rds!" They blew up my Saloon! Thems sons a bitches better be running 'cause I'll cut t'er hears out!" Colin screamed. Jackie and Butch ducked back down.

"Alright, here is the plan." said Jackie to the assembled group. "Butch and I will sneak around and flank them, you draw their attention while we do our job." The disgruntled militiamen nodded in acknowledgement. Before they could do anything however, a missile whizzed by and hit the wall directly behind them. The shockwave blasted the assembled group all over. Jackie fell head over heels down the walkway. The world was growing darker and darker, then everything went black.

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