Chapter 3

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Henry and Joshua walked down a beaten path. Firewalkers talked in a language that Henry didn't recognize.

"Do you know what they are speaking in?" he asked his bandaged comrade.

"I believe its early German. Do not worry, they speak English as well." Joshua replied. Henry nodded in confirmation and they kept walking until they entered a large tent. Inside was a bed of hot coals with some firewalkers sitting around them in a trance like state. Joshua made a gesture that made Henry look down. He had removed his boots, socks, and the bandages so that the red blistered skin of his feet were visible.

"Walk swift. Don't stop until you reach the end." he whispered.

Henry looked at him like he was mad. "What the-?" but before he could finish, Joshua walked swiftly across the bed of coals, reaching the end. He then sat in a cross legged position and didn't move.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Henry muttered as he removed his own socks and shoes. He counted to three slowly and walked across the coals. Surprisingly, they were not hot at all. In fact the coals were pleasantly warm. He sat down  next to Joshua and waited with him. Some of the firewalkers muttered and conversed in their language.

"They are starting to like you." Joshua whispered.

"Well that’s a good thing ain't it?" Henry replied. A old man with graying hair and face-tattoos walked in from behind a cover. In his hands was a staff made of metal, and at the top was a golden flame made of wood.

"Welcome Henry Rameriz of Vegas. Fireskin Joshua has told me about you." said the man. "I am chief Golden-Flame."

"You offer great hospitality, Chief Golden-Flame." Henry replied in the best polite tone he had.

Golden-Flame laughed. "A man of Curtsey! HA! Good, Very good. Fireskin Joshua says you want us to ally with civilization. Why? Why do you want a tribe of firewhorshiping  savages ally with a sophisticated society like yours?"

"Have you had any quarrels with the Legion of the Enclave?" Joshua asked.

"Yes. . .the Legion sends strikes against us with Enclave troops at our backs." Golden-Flame replied with bitterness in his voice. "Murdering, Raping, Destroying our homes. Those animals do not deserve to live!" The last words were filled with so much hatred and ice that Henry felt the air chill.

"The Legion and Enclave are going to do the same to New Vegas, and Joshua's land of Zion. They will not spare a single man, woman, or child. If you help us, I promise you will get your revenge." Henry said.

Golden-Flame stood there in science, then he spoke in the Firewalkers language. The Firewalkers stood up and poured the coals with water and walked into the back. "Our council will discuss this in further detail. You will receive your answer in 24 hours." Then he turned and walked into the back.

"We should go find your friends." Joshua said.

Henry agreed and they got up. After they put their shoes back on, they walked out of the tent and head down to the great roaring fire at the tribes center.

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