Chapter 17

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When Jackie next awoke, he was in a small leather canopy. It was strange because it was moving. He sat back, feeling wood beneath him.  He looked out of a flap in the front to see Gob sitting in front of him, moving two Brahmin. He then noticed he was in a caravan of sorts heading further west.

Gob turned around and looked at Jackie, giving him a all-too familiar toothy grin. "Heya smoothskin, Amata is sleeping right next to the whiskey if you want to talk to her."

Following his advice, he crawled in the back and found Amata curled up in a ball next to the crates filled with whiskey bottles. He shook her awake. Amata's eyes steadily opened and a warm smile crept across her face.

"Jackie, thank god your alright." she sat up and kissed him. Jackie kissed her back and asked. "Do you know where we're at?"

Amata pointed out of the wagon to a sign that said:



Jackie wasn't thrilled with that 'friendly' note on the sign. "My arm feels funny." he said.

Amata didn't say anything, but she reached over and rolled up his sleeve. He now knew why his arm felt funny. It was part ghoulified, the skin peeling and ooze dripping out of large wounds.

"Shit." Jackie muttered.

"Um, this may be a bad time to tell you babes," Amata said nervously "Jackie, I'm pregnant."



Henry walked through the streets of New Carson, the roads littered with the skeletons of cars from a long but not forgotten past. As he walked, Henry saw evidence of recent battles. Scattered guns lay in random places. Sometimes a fresh corpse, sometimes nothing but rags and bones. Henry found this carnage useful, for he could now tell what the mafia men wore. He also snagged some extra clips for his handgun.

He knew the mafia wore all leather armor, but some wore tuxedos. As Henry looked around, he saw a figure standing in the distance. It was that mysterious woman! She was saying something  Henry couldn't hear, then she walked into a ruined building. Henry rushed to follow. As he entered the building however, he was greeted by three men. They instantly raised their weapons and pointed them at him. Two of the three men wore Leather Armor, but the one in the center wore an all-too familiar White and Black checkered suit.

The checked suit man smiled. "Fancy meeting you here friend."

Henry grimaced. "Wish I could say the same, Benny."


A few minutes later, Benny escorted Henry across New Carson.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked Benny.

"To see Bannano, leader of the mafia." Benny called back. "Nice suit by the way, take from my room at the tops?" he pointed at Henry’s own Checkered suit.

"They gave me one after you ran out." Henry replied. "How the hell did you manage to get with the Mafia?"

"Another time, another place." was all that Benny said. "Here, we're at the mafia's home turf. Time to you to meet Joe Bannano, leader of The Caecilian Mafia."

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