Chapter 4

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Henry overlooked the warzone that was once a glorious city. He wore Brotherhood Power Armor instead of his checkered suit and he wielded Nero’s sword, his 9mm pistol, and a Riot Shotgun with extended barrel and drum magazines. He sighed as he heard gunfire and explosions, and saw flames painting the outskirts of the centeral Mojave. Lizzy rushed in, wearing light Metal Armor.

“Henry, It’s time.” She said. “The enemy is near Vegas’s gates, we’re suspecting them to break through soon.”

Henry sighed and turned to face Lizzy. “I don’t think this will turn out very well.”

“No one  said it would be easy.” Lizzy agreed. They walked out to the elevator where Jackie (In Lyons Pride Power Armor), Shank, and Arcade were waiting. They took the Elevator down to the ground floor were Securitrons were already placing themselves in defensive barriers around the casino’s lobby.

“Sir, I advise you to stay in the penthouse.” Said one of the Securitrons. “The situation is far out of hand.”

“I decide what is out of hand. I have a right to fight for my people.” Henry ordered the Securitron. “Take missile units up to the tower and have them blow any Enclave air forces out of the sky.” The Secirotron went over to the elevator, followed by three others. Henry and his group steped out into New Vegas’s streets, now lined with barricades and makeshift bunkers made from car carcass’s. New Vegas Army members checked their weapons and made peace with whatever gods they believed in or to themselves. To the gate heading into Freeside, Lyons Pride, Black Oxen, and Yakuza Gang members set up defensive positions so anything that went through was most likely to be blown away.

Boone ran up to Henry. “The 1st Recon Snipers are in on their way, no word of the Veteran Rangers though.”

Henry nodded. “That’s good, when the Veteran Rangers get here, we’ll-“ He was cut off as the sound of propellors filled the air. Everyone looked up and saw three NCR Vertibirds land near the Gomorah Casino. The doors opened and NCR Rangers flooded out, each carrying Light Machine guns, Hunting Shotguns, or .357 Hunting Revolvers. General Lee Oliver, wearing his tan suit, walked over to Henry.

“President Rameriz,” he said in an agitated voice. “The last time we met was at Legate Lanius’s camp, and you fucking ran us out of town.”

“No one was happy under your regime.” Henry stated. “And the Legion wouldn’t of helped them, it was time for Vegas to be ruled as a Democracy like the old world, not a militaristic rule like the NCR.”

Oliver shrugged. “Dosen’t matter to me. The President of the NCR told me to send you some of our best men to help against the Legion. I honestly don’t like the waste of men but this will give us a chance to kill off  Ceaser once and for all.”

Henry shook his head. Oliver and he never saw eye to eye, more like face to fist. He looked over at the gate and saw smoke rising overhead. Shiran Kano walked over to Henry and General Olive, wearing full samurai armor.

“President Rameriz. General.” He greeted them with a bow.

“Who is this?” Oliver asked.

“Shiran Kano, leader of the Yakuza.” Henry answered.

Oliver shook Shiran’s hand. “Nice to meet you, you planning to go Ronin on their asses?”

Shiran laughed. “More or less. Rameriz didn’t tell you of my abilities?”

“I figured you could show him when the Legion and Enclave bust through that door.” Henry said.

Shiran nodded. “If you say so. I must tell you that Joe Bannano of the Caecilian Mafia is staying in Westside with some of his men, the rest are heading to  Freeside to flank the enemy.”

“Good plan. Vice them in until we bust their tops.” Oliver said. He walked over to his men. “Ok men, listen up! We’re in for one hell of a ride, The Legion is allied with some high tech terrorists from Washington D.C. so they are a lot more powerful then what they should be. Don’t give any mercy to them fuckers, and try and stay alive.”

Henry shook his head again. “We better get set up, I have a feeling that they’ll be in soon.”




“Fire.” Gloria said.

Jean-Baptiste was about to fire his plasma rifle, when he heard a click next to him. He turned his head to see Pacer holding Van Graff in a hostage position, a 10mm Machine gun held against her temple.

“Pull that trigger and you’ll be cleaning her brains off the counter.” Pacer threatened.

Jean-Baptiste turned and pointed the gun at Pacer. “You better release her. Now.”

“I don’t think so.” Said Simon, walking over to The King and cutting his bonds. “Gloria Van Graff, I quit because you’re a stupid bitch who can’t realize that she’ll lose.”

“Impossible. The Enclave will accept us if we lend them our weapons.” Gloria said calmly. “You kill me, then your little gang will be flattened.”

“The Enclave has more than enough energy weapons, they don’t need you.” The King said.

“True, but they don’t have high end weapons like our Plasma Cutters.” Gloria argued. “They’ll want something like that.”

“And What about the Legion, huh?” Simon asked. “The Enclave will most likely lend you to them.”

“The Enclave is going to kill of The Legion as soon as they plant President Rameriz’s head on a pike.” Jean-Baptiste snapped. “Now let the boss go our I’ll vape you.”

“He is right though, they’re already tearing each other apart.” Pacer admitted. “But right now its between you and The Kings.”

The three stood in a Mexican stand-off, Pacer holding Gloria Van Graff as hostage while Jean-Baptiste pointed his gun at him, then suddenly there was a loud explosion outside.

“They’re here!” Gloria Van Graff yelled. “Let me go!”

“Hell no, bitch! Your crazy!” Pacer screamed at her.

Jean-Baptiste fired his gun, a ball of green plasma flying towards Pacer. He pushed Gloria in the way, causing her head to be melted off of her body. Simon fired into Jean-Baptiste’s back, turning him into a pile of goo.

“Wish it didn’t have to end that way.” The King sighed. “But it’s for the greater good of the city.  Let’s get out into the fight.” The trio headed out of the store, leaving the corpses to rot inside.

FALLOUT: War for Vegas {WattyAwards 2013 Contender (Did not make Finalist) }Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang