Chapter 7

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Hello?" yelled Jackie as he opened the door to his house. No one, not even his serving bot, Wadsworth. He checked all the rooms, but no one was to be found. He checked his room. Everything was as he left it. Everything, except for a flower with a note wrapped around the stem. He picked it up. It was unusual to find a flower in perfect condition anywhere in the Capital Wastes. He unwrapped the note and opened it, it said:


I am glad you helped us when you did. I don't know what would've happened to us. Meet me at Moriarty's Saloon.

Still confused, Jackie set out for Moriarty's Saloon. It wasn't a long walk, but still he felt a bit winded when he arrived. After catching his breath, he entered the building. The same odor that hit Jackie when he first entered the bar wafted back into his nose: Smoke, Beer, and Food. He saw Gob, the ghoul he met his first time at the bar.

"Hey it’s my favorite smooth skin." Said Gob in his rattlesnake like tone almost all ghouls had. "I'd give you a beer on the house but Moriarty would most likely beat me senseless, as usual."

"Don't worry about it Gob," Jackie said smiling "Just put it on my tab." Gob put a ice cold beer in front of Jackie." I got a message from someone who wanted to see me here, have you seen anything?

"Yeah she's right over there." Gob said, pointing to the other side of the room. Jackie turned to see a woman, about his age, reading a magazine. She had Jet-black hair and olive green eyes. She wore a Vault 101 Jumpsuit like Jackie, except Jackie's had pieces of Leather armor on the shoulder and torso. He recognized her instantly. Jackie got up and sat down next to her. She kept reading, not noticing or caring who sat next to her.

"Whatcha reading there?" asked Jackie.

"Milsurp review." replied the woman. "I just left Vault 101 with a few others, might as well know how to use firearms since I'll be using one sooner or later"

"Guns? The daughter of the Vault Overseer should never need to use guns." Teased Jackie.

"How do you-" The woman started to ask, and then she laughed and said. "Jackie Escado, you always was a smart ass." She looked up and beamed at him.

"Amata," said Jackie "It’s good to see-" he was cut off as Amata kissed him. After what seemed like forever, she pulled away. Surprised and flustered, Jackie opened his eyes and said. "Well....uh.....its.......well it’s good to see you again." Amata giggled and took his hand. They sat there for a hour in silence. Then Jackie asked. "You said more people of you left the Vault, who all came with you?"

"Butch, Mr. and Mrs. Gomez, and Susie Mack. Everyone else went there separate ways." Amata explained. They continued to talk, Amata's head resting in the nook of Jackie's shoulder. Amata turned up to look at Jackie and said..

"I'm a bit tired, Is it alright if I stay at your place?" she asked.

Jackie smiled at her and replied. "As long as you want." Then he kissed her. After a few seconds they pulled away. They left the Salon and left for Jackie's house.

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