Chapter 5

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The first thing The King, Pacer, and Simon saw was chaos. The Kings and a few thugs hid behind cars while Enclave and Legion troops fired a barrage of projectiles at their direction. A couple of the cars exploded, causing some of the men to fly back or be incinerated in the blast.

“We need to stop this before they kill us all.” Simon said.

“Yeah but how?” Pacer asked.

Simon thought for a moment, then he looked over at the Silver Rush. “The explosives.”

“What?” The King asked.

“The building has some plasma mines and grenades, if we toss those into the crowd we could thin out their forces.” Simon explained.

“I’ll get them.” Pacer said as he rushed into the Silver rush. A minuite later he came out with mines and explosives in two bags. “Simon, King, hide in that abandoned building across the street, I’ll set up the mines and give those fuckers a welcome present.

“Can I help?” asked a voice behind them. They turned and saw Lou climb out of the sewers, drenched in water and blood.

“Lou! Damn boy I thought you died.” Pacer said as he helped him up. “How’d you make it out.”

“Long story.” Said Lou, brushing himself off. “Let’s just kill these sons of bitches first.” Pacer nodded and The King and Simon headed up to the abandoned building. Lou and pacer snuck up to the perimeter to where the enemy couldn’t see them over their siege and placed all the plasma mines. Then they ran back to a safe distance and tossed a couple Plasma grenades into the group. The explosion knocked a large chunk of Enclave and Legion went flying all over, but it also put the group in the limelight.

“Legionaries! Take care of them. Enclave! Push forwards.”

The Enclave soldier ran forwards, shooting anything that moved. The Legionaries rushed towards them, but were stopped as the land mines tore them to shreds. The survivors of the blast got up and pulled out Cowboy repeaters.

“Fuck, get to cover!” Pacer yelled as he pulled Lou out of the way. They dodged the bullets just in time as they hit the back wall. They hid in the building as they heard the Legionaries getting closer.

“What the hell are we going to do?” Lou whispered.

“Try to hold out as long as we can.” Pacer replied.



The explosions were getting louder. Any minute now the enemy would be inside Vegas’s walls. Their first line of defense was decimated, and they were the last. Henry rested his assault rifle on the sandbags and aimed at the door, his armor piercing round ready to tear through anything that came in. Next to him was Lizzy, holding a Carbine repeater, and at his right was Jackie Escado with his own Chinese assault rifle.

“Babe.” Lizzy said.

Henry looked over at her. “Yeah, Liz?”

“If this is our last moments, I just want to you to know that I love you.” Lizzy look at him, a tear falling form her cheek.

Henry removed his helmet and kissed her. “I love you too, but this won’t be our last moment.” There was a loud boom and he replaced his helmet. “I this goes sour get to the Vault.”

Boom. Boom. Boom. Then Crash as the gate in front of them exploded and Enclave ran through the gate, firing at the resitance.

“OPEN FIRE!” Henry yelled. Bullets, rockets, and plasma flew through the air and the once peaceful city of New Vegas was a warzone.

The final battle had begun.

FALLOUT: War for Vegas {WattyAwards 2013 Contender (Did not make Finalist) }Where stories live. Discover now