Chapter 27

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Henry loaded the ammo into his handgun and aimed at Zero's eye. Around him were the sounds of people screaming, dying, and writhing in pain. Henry had no idea what the bullets would do, but it was time to find out.

He pulled trigger.

A trail of green smoke followed the bullet and hit Zero straight in the pupil. The giant screamed as smoke trailed from his eye. A loud hissing sound was heard followed by a gut wrenching smell. Henry covered his nose as Tek hopped into the spot next to him.

"Did you use those bullets in the safe?" he asked. Henry nodded. Tek laughed triumphantly. "HA! Those were filled with Hydrochloric acid. Enough to bring down a building. Congrats! You killed this fucker!" Henry looked up at the giant and saw a disturbing sight. Zero's head was nearly dissolved, part of his brain and one eye loomed down straight towards him. The giant's legs buckled and Zero fell, his brain's slowly pouring out on the concrete. All of the Yakuza on Zero's side Immediately surrendered. Henry and Tek stood up from the trench . The Yakuza on Shiran's side and the Mafia cheered because the long feud filled with war and death was over, until one of them started again.

Tek walked over to Shrian and shook his friend's hand. "We did it. We fucking did it!"

The old man nodded. "Yes, we did. Though it would've been better if we changed my brother's mind. Rameriz." he looked over at Henry. "You have the Yakuza's full support."

"and you have the Mafia's." said Bananno. He walked up to them, a bloody baseball bat in one hand and a smoking 10mm machine gun in the other. "I'll send my boys a message to get ready to go to the New Vegas area."

"So will I." said Shiran.

There was a sudden scream. Everyone turned to se a sea of red tunics. Each man held a Assault rifle in their arms. Ski masks covered their faces. The head man held a large sword in his hands. He had greenish armor and wore a helmet that looked like a man with a waved beard and horns on his head. At first Henry thought he was seeing the ghost of Legate Lanius, the member of the Legion that had a encampment at Hoover Dam. A man who Henry fought to the death with.

"Legionaries!" yelled the masked man. "Open fire!" All the Legionaries sent raining death to the large group of men. Henry barley had enough time to duck before one of the bullets whizzed past his face. The metal carcass of the car he was hiding behind sounded like a million insects were hitting it. He aimed his gun over the car and fired a couple of blind shots. Then there was a crackle on his PIP boy.

"Dumbass you alright down there?" Lizzy's voice asked through the com.

Henry lifted the PIP boy up to his face. "Yeah I'm fine, why the hell aren't you popping shots?"

"I'm trying but my gun's jammed. Boone is holding off Legion coming from the west side. This entire area's cut off!" screamed Lizzy. Henry looked over the hood of the car and saw the Legion member’s were slowly moving into the city. The masked man, possibly Nero, Held his sword in a offensive position, ready to attack anything running up at him. Tyler  looked over to the other car and saw Tek and Shiran reading their guns. Henry nodded at them and stood up, raising his hands in mock surrender. Nero lowered his sword just enough to show he wasn't ready to cut Henry down just yet.

"So the president of New Vegas comes to surrender? Smart man, maybe Ceaser will be merciful to you and let you be his slave.

Henry smiled and shook his head. "No, I don't think so. How about this, you and your Legionaries leave or I'll kill you."

Nero laughed. "You think I'm scared of you? You might of killed Lanius, but I'm not like him. I will easily kill you and take over your fucking city." Henry walked forward. The Legionaries readied their guns, but Nero waived them down. "No! He's mine!" Nero walked forwards until he was a few feet away from Henry and right next to Tek and Shiran.

"Now!" yelled Henry. Shiran and Tek stood up and opened fire on Nero. His armor crumpled at the amount of bullets entering his body. Yakuza and Mafia alike came out of hiding  and opened fire on the bewildered Legionaries. They either fell or scattered. Before long all of the Legion in the area was either dead or captured.


Shiran, Bannano, and Henry stood at a table with a map of New Vegas on it. "The places available to you are Westside, the abandoned town of Nipton, or any parts of the Mojave not inhabited by civilization." Henry said.

Bananno put a finger on Westside. "I'll set the gang up at Westside, people there need help as it is."

"I'll send the Yakuza to Nipton. Since it is abandoned, we can rebuild and it can be a good strategic spot when the war starts." followed Shrian.

Henry pulled out two identical papers and signed them both. He handed them to the two gang leaders in front of him. They signed it and gave them back to Henry.

"I'm going to send these back to New Vegas. I'll see you guys there when I get back." Henry said.

Bananno and Shiran shook Henry’s hand and left to give the order to move out. Henry looked around and saw Nero's corpse laying on the ground. Newt to him was his giant sword. Henry picked it up and pulled the large sheath for it off of the body. He slid his new war trophy on his back.

"So what are we going to do now?" a voice said behind him. Henry turned around and saw Lizzy, Boone, Arcade, and Shank standing behind him.

"We're going to Salt lake city, to find the walkers." said Henry. He walked forward and the others followed there great leader.

                                                                   END OF ACT 1

FALLOUT: War for Vegas {WattyAwards 2013 Contender (Did not make Finalist) }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora