Chapter 9

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The day after the attempt on Henry’s life was long and tedious. Everywhere he went he was followed by two hulking M2 Securitrons. 'Jesus will these guy's leave me alone?' he thought to himself. 'I killed Legate Lanius myself for god sake!' Reporters from as far as the New Mexico territory were pestering him with questions. And on top of that, he saw the mysterious girl from his past three times today. He tried to catch up with her but he was always stopped by reporters. When he tried to get a look at her, she would always vanish. He now sat in Michael Angelo's workshop. Angelo wanted to make a portrait of Henry. Honestly, he didn't give a rats ass, Henry was just glad that the paparazzi was gone. A few hours later, Michael was done.

"Here, you wanna see it?" Michael asked. Henry, without saying anything, got up and stood next to the famed artist. The resemblance between the painted Henry and the real one was remarkable. The only thing that was off was his eyes, which in real life were a dark brown-near black, but other than that, it was a exact replica of Henry. He reached in his pocket to pay, but Angelo said. "You don't have to pay for this."

Henry, however, took a large handful of caps out of his pocket at sat them on Angelo's desk. "You never said I couldn't tip you." he said smugly. The day went on with no real problems. Henry now say in the study, reading scout reports and old books from Mr. House's old Library. Then there was a knock at the door.

"It’s unlocked, but if you’re trying to kill me or ask me about the attack yester, you'll be smelling out of the back of your head." Henry said/threatened. In walked a man, about a few inches taller than Henry. He had deep, wandering eyes that were both a startling dark shade of Maroon. He wire a duster that might have belonged to a NCR veteran ranger. On his head sat a fedora much like Henry’s.

"Courier six." said the man

Henry felt like he met the man before. "Do I know you?" he asked.

The Mysterious Stranger shook his head. "If we have met I would've met I would've mentioned it. May I sit down?"

Henry nodded cautiously. The stranger put his hat on the hat rack next to a couch and he sat down on said couch. "Pardon me for being so rude." he said. "My name is John Hudson. I'm originally from New Reno, but I left to find enlightenment, leaving my wife and son."

Henry’s memory seemed to kick in. He had remembered seeing Hudson, No, not Hudson, his son. "I know your son, Mr. Hudson." he said. "He works at the Tops Casino if you’re looking for him."

John's eyes seemed to light up at the news. "Thank you but that’s not the reason I came by to visit."

"Then why have you visited me?" Henry asked.

"There is a war brewing like nuclear fire, Courier Six. You might know of the approaching danger, but even if you had your entire Securitron Army, the Brotherhood, Great Khans, Boomers, and even your NCR allies to help, I would guess you would survive a month at maximum." Hudson said gloomily.

Henry sat back in his chair, the hair on the back of his head tingling with this shocking news. "Why do you have little faith in our force's chances?" he asked.

"Because Caesar’s Legion has joined forces with a tyrant group called the Enclave. I saw them sign the damn pact myself. The Enclave raises the Legion's forces by a trillion strong. If you have any hope of surviving this maelstrom, you will listen to what I have to say." Hudson said.

Henry was in shock. He mouthed the word One trillion half a dozen times. He then looked up and asked in a cracked voice. "How?"

Hudson cleared his throat like he was preparing to give a speech. "There are three places where there are people you can ally with. First in New Carson, Just north of here. It has been ravaged by gang warfare, the Chinese Yakuza and the Caecilian Mafia. If you either eliminate one side or convince them to stop fighting, then you'll at least gain one sides support. Second is a tribe called the Firewalkers. They believe that the Nuclear bombs were made by the angry gods, so they worship them so they don't do it again. They are near Salt Lake City. If you can gain their trust, they will join you. Finally there is a cult called the Black Oxen. They have weapons and soldiers. I’m sure you can convince them to join you". Henry had trouble registering this piece of information. After a few minutes, he asked.

"Where can I find the Black Oxen? And more importantly, how the hell do you know all of this?"

Hudson smiled and replied. "You won't find them, they'll seek you out when you find more people to join you. As for me know all of this, well, let’s just say I am everywhere and nowhere, Courier Six, Everywhere and nowhere." and as he said that, Hudson got up, placed his fedora on his head, an calmly left the study, leaving Henry to ponder this information, alone.

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