Chapter 23

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The irradiated rain finally stopped on the morning of the next day. Tek left to send the payment to Zero. By then he would've been way overdue. While he was doing that, Henry and the others discussed how they would assassinate Zero.

"We could concentrate all fire on Zero, the bullets would soon overwhelm him." Said Arcade while munching on grilled mantis legs.

"Yeah, easier said than done." replied Boone. "From what Shiran told us, he is virtually bullet-proof."

"Yeah, but those .9mm rounds in the safe might do something." followed Shank.

They sat in silence, eating, drinking, and staring at the dying embers of their fire. Henry thought that this would the last peaceful moment he would have in New Carson. He also thought about what those "special" .9mm rounds did.

The sound of a door opening woke him out of his thinking process. He and everyone inside stood up and pointed their weapons at the door. They lowered them when they realized it was Tek.

"I'm back, and look what I got." he said. He unrolled a pack from his back and showed them several assault rifles, handguns, and fragmentation grenades.

"How did you get all these?" Henry asked, amazed.

"Snuck them out. The guards had no idea!" Tek said with a chuckle.

Shiran clapped his friend on the back. "Well done my old friend." He turned to two Boshudo. "Send word to Bannano." He commanded."Tell him to position his men at the center of town. Tonight, my brother dies at midnight!"

The two Bosudo saluted him and ran out o f the door.


Midnight came at a fast pace. Henry sat on the ruins of a old fountain, puffing on a rare Cuban cigar. He starred at where the Yakuza's base was, as if expecting the gates of hell to appear before him. A white suited mafia man showed up before him.

"Shiran and Bannano want to speak with you." he said, pointing at a small fire. Henry walked over and sat down next to the fire. Shiran nodded in confirmation. Joe Bannano looked up and said, "Glad to see you in one piece."

"Might not say the same thing after this is done." Henry said.

Bannano laughed. "Yeah, I'd agree with you on that one." He then told Henry about the plan he and Shiran were creating. Henry agreed to the plan, even though a large amount of casualties were highly likely,

He noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It was that mysterious woman. She seemed to be calling him over. He excused himself from the group  and walked over to the alley where she was.

"What do you-" he was cut off as she slapped him in the face. He looked at her in shock. "What the hell was that for?" he asked.

"For being a dumbass!" The woman replied. Then even more surprisingly, she kissed him full on the mouth.

Stunned more than offended, Henry took a step back. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

The woman gave a smirk. "Come one, Henry. You don't recognize Lizzy Sanders?"

"Lizzy? As in Elizabeth Natalia Rodriguez Sanders? From Vault 74?"

"Yes, yes, and fucking yes." replied Lizzy.

Henry smiled, the last time he saw Lizzy was nine years ago when they left the vault. Henry wanted to be a courier, while Lizzy left to become a mercenary. They hardly had contact with each other since.

A sudden explosion echoed through the area and the sounds of yelling men and gunfire soon followed. Apparently the assault force started the attack. Henry and Lizzy ran out to see a warzone in the making. She tapped him on the shoulder.

"I'll go to the roof , I'm a hell of a shot with my anti-material rifle." Henry nodded and pulled out his pistol, running into the firefight.

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