Chapter 25

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The air around him was filled with smoke and the smell of charred flesh. Henry dived forward as he dodged a barrage of Machine Gun fire. His leather armor was scratched and torn. A figure dropped next to him. Henry looked and saw Benny, also with leather armor over his checkered suit.

"You banged up, Fink?" yelled Benny over the sounds of the battle.

"Better than when you shot me asshole." replied Henry. They both couldn't suppress a smile. A grenade flew overhead and exploded, sending several of Zero Kano's men flying.

"We might actually be winning this!" Benny yelled again. Then a loud and terrifying roar was heard. The noise died down and the roaring could be heard again. Henry and Benny looked over their mound, like most of the men and women in the battle. A large dark figure loomed at the entrance at the Yakuza's base. As tall as the Lucky 38 tower in New Vegas, and as powerful as ten Super Mutant Behemoths. Zero Kano walked into the moonlight, revealing dark green skin and blood red eyes the size of doors. He had a club made of car parts cradled in his hands. His fangs were as tall as Henry himself.

"And them again, maybe not." Benny said in a now discouraged tone.

Henry held his Pip-Boy 3000 to his mouth. "Boone, Lizzy, do you copy?" he whispered. Static was all that was heard.

Zero laughed and spoke in a voice that sounded like a volcano erupting. "You really think contacting your little friends will help you now? HA! Before I left I jammed all communications in or out of here! You, the mafia, and my brothers 'Rebellion' are all fucked now!" He swung his club and sent dozens of men scattering everywhere in all different directions.

"Open fire!" Henry yelled and every member of the restiance unleashed a storm of bullets through the air towards Zero. The bullets hit, but all it seemed to do was stagger the giant mutant.

"You think those bullets are going to stop me? You are dumber than you look fucktards!" he yelled.

Henry reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of the bullets from the safe, now it was time to put them to the test.

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