Chapter 14

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The warm air was musty, all around was unusually lush green trees, and on the outskirts of this vast scene was what was left of Megaton's citizens. Out of three thousand, barley a few hundred survived.

Jackie, who had just woken up, was walking around the encampment. All around he saw people trying to make a living with what they had. He felt like it was his fault, but everyone else begged to differ. Jackie was their Messiah, without him, they would've succumbed to the harshest of the wastes.

It didn't matter anymore though, because now Megaton was under Enclave control. They were a good four days away from the capital wastelands,. It was either stay in this spot or head west, and most wanted to do the latter.

Jackie wondered what happened to everyone. He knew about Gob, Officer Gomez, and Butch. But what about Lucas Simms? Moria Brown? The rest of the Megaton settlers he called friends? And what of his beloved Amata?

He looked in one of the tents and saw Lucas sitting on a pillow, reading a book. His head was wrapped in a bandage, but other than that he seemed normal as ever. He looked up and gave a fatherly smile to Jackie.

"Jackie Escado, Its good to see your alive and well." he said. "Come in, sit."

Jackie sat on the cushion next to Simms. Lucas handed him a glass of water. "You took your sweet-ass time getting here. Have you seen Gomez yet?"

"Yeah, its amazing he's still alive." Jackie said glumly. "What happened exactly?"

"The bulk of the assault was in center of Megaton." replied Simms. "A Enclave bastard started firing away when a piece of shrapnel hit me in the head, knocking me out." he indicated the bandage on his head. "When I came to, Gomez was dragging me behind him when another gunner got lucky and laid a few shots in him."

Jackie looked down at his water like it was poison. " How many others survived." he finally asked after several minutes.

"A large portion of the group scattered, we're only a small group of survivors. Gomez's, Moriarty, Gob, and Nova. Moria died, however, blown up with her store."

Jackie’s heart fell at that news. "And Amata?" Jackie asked, feeling more nervous than ever before.

"Alive, she's at the tent to the right of the Brahmin pack. She's been worried, you know. You should check up on her to see if she’s alright."

Thanking Lucas, Jackie walked out of the tent. There was no trouble finding the Brahmins. The two headed cow creatures ate solemnly as he passed. He saw the tent Amata was in. He opened the flap to see Amata lying on a cot. She had been crying and her skin was a bright red, either from the sunburn or stress Jackie did not know. Instead of her Vault-tech jumpsuit, she wore a white tank top with cargo pants and weathered boots. Her hair was down, sprawled all over her shoulders and back. She seemed not to notice for she was in a deep

Jackie laid down next to her, wrapping his good arm around her and clasping her hand in his. He felt her grip tighten. She made no move against him. He fell into a deep sleep, feeling his wife, or soon to be wife's, heartbeat against him.

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