Read The Brocken

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I felt like I was falling into a little hole where there wasn't the tiniest bit of light, and the demon of pain was waiting for me. My lips say that I'm the light in that hole but my mind is shouting that I'm just as dark as the hole. What should I believe my thoughts or my mouth? I couldn't decide. So I just sat there in pain with only my emotions to keep me company. If only I had a real family then this pain would have never existed. The drama I go through makes me feel like I'm in a spiderweb and the world is the spider. It feels as if no one in my life wants me to be happy. But what do I know maybe it's just their way of saying' I love you'. But after all, I've been through with my father, this has to be the worst. 

And out of nowhere, I looked at myself in the mirror and replied to what my dad said to me about being weak, and it cut through me, and I took my scissors and I cut my hair, I got myself new clothes and makeup and I promised myself that I would stand up for myself give people the same attitude that they give me. I acted like everything was more than fine. I put on my fake smile and spoke more I even got kicked out of class and got detention which is where I was alone and free to go back to my sad self. But as soon as it was over the smile came back on and the chattiness came out. Some people thought that I was cool and others thought that I was just trying to be like them, which I wasn't.

And when I went home, instead of beating myself up about my problems I went into Dad's office and searched for more information on my mother. And after hours of searching, I saw an email from my mom and It was dated 2 years ago. I was shocked. How did Mom send an email if she's dead? I read the email, it said, "Dear James: You are the evilest man I have ever met, I wish I had never met you. And our daughter deserves better than this you, told me that she knew. But when I talked to her in the park she completely didn't recognize me,  I told you that I didn't do it, why are you still hiding her from me? But I don't care why, but when I find you I will kill you. Yours, Luna.

I did understand. Was my mom alive? Did my dad take me away from her and why? Have I ever spoken to my mom? So when my father came home I asked him about it. Then he told me that it wasn't my mom who sent that email, it was someone she had loved in the past. I didn't believe him so I asked him how he knew. He said that he got someone who could track down where the email was sent from. That was not the only question that I had for him, so I said with a shy voice, "Dad how did Mom die?" I saw that he didn't really wanna answer but he said in a dramatic voice, "I came home from work and I found her making dinner except the food was all the things that she was allergic to, and I asked her why she was making that and she didn't answer, she just told me to look after you whilst she went for a walk. I waited for her and then she came home wet I looked outside and there was no rain so I asked what happened, and she told me she fell in the water and she went back out and never came back."

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