Start Packing

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You see, I knew you would be out of the in no time. Oh, Your friend Hunter came over yesterday to check on you. I told him you were leaving for a few days, so, you better start packing. And also what took you so long it's been three days since that call, What, was it nice there?"

 I was furious. I'd been missing for three days, and he wasn't even worried. And he didn't even report me missing.

"Of course not, I wouldn't want to worry the poor thing. I'm just going to take a bath."

 I went up to my room and took a bath. I couldn't stop thinking about how chill Father was, it got me thinking: how would he feel if I died? Would he even shed a tear? I got dressed and sat on the balcony and called  Rocky.

I was sick of Father, he'll learn how it feels to have nothing. He doesn't care what happens to me so I won't care what happens to him. The phone rang and rang for a few seconds but, she answered.

"Hi. Rocky? I want to help you. I can find out where Father keeps all his millions of dollars. And I can steal all of it under his nose, he won't know what hit him."

 "She chuckled and continued, "But how do I know I can trust you? How do I know you won't rob us of all that money, like your Father?"

I chuckled. "You won't," I said before hanging up the phone. 

I went downstairs to where Father was. And saw him reading a newspaper, in 2023, I didn't know that people still get newspapers. Why doesn't he watch the news like a normal person? But I can't blame him, narcissists want to stand, he can't help it. It's in his system.

"Father I would like to work for you as your account. I'm pretty good with numbers."

"Fine, you're hired. Plus I need you to get out of town until I solve this whole situation you and I have. I secure my money in a Cayman Islands account so that's where you will be. You leave tomorrow."

"Oh, Okay," I said curiously. I called up Rocky, "I did it. I'm going to the Cayman Islands tomorrow where I'll be working as Father's accountant I'll have access to all his money. Then we'll see where we go from there."

"And we'll need a little more because of what we had to do to LogHead for helping you."


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