Bloody Plot Twist

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And just like that, I was on my to the Cayman Island. I was a little bit nervous because I did know how I was going to steal over a million dollars without anyone knowing it was me. I was extremely anxious because I didn't know anything about accounting. But I soon forgot all about that when I got off the jet. We landed on a silver platform that looked like actual silver but, it was all palladium. I couldn't believe what I was standing on, actual palladium. That's when I started to get a bit suspicious of the area. First of all: there were no people around. The only people I saw were the staff working in the bank. That creeped me out a lot. The rest of the place was empty like Father's heart.

I got inside the house Father had bought, and it looked dry. No sense of style at all, it was plain, no color. It seemed nice for someone who wasn't going to be staying a while, but for me, it was a complete no. I had a housekeeper who didn't look human one bit, she rarely blinked and she walked so straight. Every time she talked it was like a new set of vocabulary just popped in. What she did was run arens and clean the spotless house over a million times. I went to work for the first time the next day. I was shown around by a lady called Olivia she showed me the office, the restroom, and a lot of other stuff. She showed me how to write a check and answer the phone in case Father called. Another person, Jane, showed me how to unlock a safety deposit box and where all Father's money was stored. She also showed me a way to see exactly how much money Fater has. And it wasn't a few million dollars. Father was filthy rich, he was a ding-dong trillionaire 

But, if he was filthy rich, why was he still working? If I were him, I wouldn't work a day after I reached a couple of million bucks. But, we think very differently. I called Rocky and headed out for privacy.

"Hey, it turns out that, we'll be pulling in more cash than we originally thought. Father's an actual trillionaire! I think I'll be staying here longer than we agreed but for a good cause, I'll get to know the please better and they'll never suspect me of anything." 

I said all this with confidence and a grin. But that all crashed as soon as I heard the person on the other side of the phone.

"Oh, yes jinx. You will be staying there A LOT longer than you planned."

It was Father!

"What do you mean? What do you mean by that?" I panicked as I asked those questions. 

Just then Rocky got on the phone. "Oh, you stupid princess. I guess this is goodbye. I'll make sure I'll be sure to say some good words at your funeral. Peace."

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