Blades all-day

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I soon realized that I had a love for blades and started playing around with them. I got myself a few blades. At school, I was called Cruella. Which wasn't surprising since I had the same hair. But I didn't wanna come off as a wanna-be, so I dyed my hair back to its true color. I had so many scars so I decided to take a little break from fighting.

I looked like a teenage zombie. But otherwise, things were pretty much normal. I was still in pain, my tears still burned really bad and I was still at the top of my class. The weird thing was that people never bullied me anymore 'cause I'd obviously scared them. I was still alone, I was still very sad about my whole life or rather my life events. I wasn't sure if I would ever get better. 

I started a bit of an attitude and that grow into a short temper. I would often find ways to be at the center of every school prank and I would know when people were talking about someone and then expose them for their fakeness. Like the time when I exposed one of the cheerleaders cheating on her boyfriend with her best friend's boyfriend. People called me different names which I didn't care about but the one that I really liked was Jinx. I started calling myself that and the name stuck.

There was a new boy in my class who kept on staring at me I ignored him just like I did with everybody else. But then he sat with me at lunch. We talked and I was actually having fun and everybody was surprised when I smiled and so was I. I did enjoy his company but that was it I was never to do that ever again. I can't let my guard down for a moment. But for some reason, he had such interest in me and I wasn't rejecting it.

I told him about my fighting habit and he was really understanding which I thought was cool. Nobody really understood me like that and that's what scared I didn't want to be understood or feared. So I couldn't let some boy who has never been through the trauma that I have been through, some boy who has never seen what I've seen, tell me that he understands.

A blade is always sharp and ready to strike down anything that tries to slow it down. So if I was going to handle the blade I had to be just as sharp.

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