Train Wreck

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Not everyone can get back up when the train hits. They have been so strong throughout the fight that when the train comes, they don't see it coming, leaving a train wreck. I was labeled as a bully when I was being bullied but still, I was the bad guy. Some people get back up when they fall, I fall when I get back up. I'm just waiting for God's plan of redemption for this broken world. But for how long? How long do I have to wait for someone to come save me? I don't know how people get the strength back when they've been hit, but however they do it, they must be pretty proud of themselves.

I was alone once again. And I felt like I was falling into a big bad hole where the demon of darkness waits for me, again. It was back to the old ways. I would go to school and come back home and cry. But this time I would cut myself with a knife, which was not as painful as being hated for living. It feels as if pains my only home, I'm quiet and alone, I've learned to be alone, I failed to see all the mystery, quiet and unknown. It was as if anti-depression can't help me, I was numb, and my heart was turning cold. I would drink 'till I could feel nothing and gaze at the night sky as if Peter Pan would come out of know where and keep me company. 

"What happens when I die? Will people take their time shedding tears or did I waste all my years?" Ever since I started listening to Zevia, that line stuck in my mind like ducktape. At school, we had to make a poem about how we felt about ourselves. And I poured my feelings into that poem. As I was walking to the front of the class to say my poem, people shouted nasty comments which hurt really bad but I couldn't show it. I started my poem," I'm only seventeen and I feel like I'm dying, I hope I make it 'cause I'm really trying.                                                                     I try anti-depressions but they can't help me and I'm more than just depressed, but I'll never make a sound. I wish someone loved me enough to catch me when I fall and I'm tired of the world hating on me, but how can I blame them when rumors are all they know of me, then they think they know me, but damn they don't. The day I die will be the greatest night when I'm free. I've tried to stay alive, but I feel dead inside. I'm not suicidal, just not happy, but I'm not far from it" When I was finished, I looked around the class and everyone had sad, long faces. And my teacher was in tears.

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