Painful Days

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It's been a while since the whole "incident" at my place and I looked like I would die any second of the day. The teachers were too scared to ask what was wrong, and the kids were too. And the prince of the school, Hunter, was back and everyone gave him gifts while I sat in my corner crying about all things he caused. He came to me at lunch and said, "  Hey, Jinx I'm really sorry for what everyone did to you and do you think we could be friends again?" I really wasn't in the mood to hear any apologies so I  just said this " Thank you for the apology but I'm afraid it's not accepted. And you and I will never be friends. You started all of this, I got bullied so badly that I stopped eating and you can see for yourself, I look like the life has been sucked out of me. And it was. So if you wanna be friends, I suggest you find someone else 'cause I'm not gonna be friends with an addict. Your dismissed."

He obviously thinks life is a fairy tale. I've been living on nothing but a cold beer and a cigarette for the past month while he's been getting real help with his perfect loving family and friends. I've been alone with only my pain to keep my company that's something I'm not new to so why fuss about it? I'm not the type to get revenge so I rather sit and cry it all out. You can imagine how painful that feels. I didn't have the energy to do the one thing that puts me at ease. I barely slept and my favorite foods didn't taste as good as they did all these years.

It was a normal day in school and almost everybody was throwing papers and gum at me. "Jinx. said Mr. Wong "Are you just gonna sit there while they throw all these things at you"  " Oh. I don't mind. I just think of them as annoying siblings." I said with an attitude.  And the topic ended there. I could see the rage in everyone's eyes when I said that. And to be honest I was kinda scared of what they'd do. And As I expected the punishment came in the cafeteria. They took a whole two bowls of spaghetti and dumped it all over my head. But I was too numb to even care. I guess those are the most painful days.

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