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It was 9:45, I was listening to Nina Simone, Feeling good. Then some real haters just had to ruin the song by ringing the bell. I answered the door only to get eggs thrown right in my face. I just went from chill to stone-cold crazy. I could feel the rage in my eyes as they laughed at me. My gipe on the sword tightened and I swear if they ran away I would have hurt them real bad. I went back upstairs to find people in my room taking pictures of my medicine, ripping my clothes, and spray painting my room, I ran shouting, threatening to kill them if they didn't leave. But what I didn't know was that they were filming all of it so I put the sword down and I beat them all with my fists. They ran off bruised and with sores.

The next day I get texts from almost everybody at school calling me a bully. How am I the bully when they're the ones who attacked me first? I mean they came to MY house and throw eggs at me and trashed my room and now I'm the bad guy again. The pictures of my medicine were out and people called me crazy. But they were more brutal on the video, they said I was mental, and that I should be in an asylum. Gosh, all this 'cause some pretty boy went to rehab. As I said his addiction was his fault, not mine.

Getting me suspended was one thing, but publicly announcing that I'm a crazy bully was totally overboard. Who are they to show the whole world that I'm on so many different medications? That night I drank hard. The whole night was spent in pain. After that, I didn't eat for days. It was as if I ate every second of my life and I was finally full. And by the time I was supposed to go back to school, I looked like a ghost. Who knew that hate could do this to a person? I've been skipping my appointments with my psychologist and dad was too busy to notice but he was still paying for them. 

It's funny how I didn't do anything to these people but yet I'm being punished for something only God knows. It's like they hate me for breathing. Teens can really go overboard, ha.

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