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It was a normal day at school. I did what I usually do on school days then went back home where I found Father and Iris waiting for me. Father told me to take a seat. "Jinx, as you know, me and Iris have been dating for a while now. And we have gotten to know each other more and we discovered we love each other," Father said as he took Iris's hand. "That's why we're getting married," Iris said with a smile. I stared at them in disbelief. "Let me see the ring." The ring was small with diamonds all around it."Where did you propose?" They looked at me confused."I proposed at the park on our date." My mouth dropped. "Why at the park? Why not somewhere fancy? Why is the ring so small? I'm so disappointed in you Father." They looked at each other confused and I just left to my room. I honestly didn't expect Father to propose that way, with a tiny ring, at the park. Iris is a nice lady and she deserves better. I thought it through and went back downstairs. "Okay, listen. Here's what's gonna happen you're gonna take off that ring, and Father gonna take it back to whatever pon shop he got it from. Then he's gonna get a nicer one, you're gonna act as you did know and Father's gonna propose to you at a fancy romantic place. Got that?"

I could tell they didn't want to do it but if she was gonna marry someone as cold as my father, it had to be the best proposal ever. They reluctantly agreed. I wasn't happy they were getting married, I wasn't happy at all. But I had to act like I was. I haven't seen my Father that happy ever in my life. And I didn't want him to shut me out like he used to. I rather fake being happy than be shut out as if I'm nothing. I cried in my room that night. I know Iris is fun but I didn't want a replacement for my mother. And It hurt to know that Father has time for a wedding and not his daughter. Did he think that a little small talk in the morning and a birthday cake would heal all the years of scars? I dried my eyes and went down for dinner. I guess Father noticed the scars on my face when he asked what was wrong. 

I lied and told him I hit my elbow but Iris could see I wasn't okay. I looked around and noticed that this was one of the first times I had dinner with family, I suddenly burst into tears and started sobbing like a big baby. Father and Iris both asked what was wrong. "This is the first time we're having dinner together and it's when you are about to get married." I sobbed louder. "I'm sorry I don't know why I'm crying." I ran to my room, jumped out the window, and went to my happy place.

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