Trust No One

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If there was one thing that I learned about this school, is that you can't trust anyone.  When It comes to the girls: It's either they wanna be your friend because they see you as a threat or they use you for their own personal satisfaction. The boys on the other hand are all about football and girls, so they're either playing you or playing with you. If you wanna survive, you better know the difference. I honestly look down on everyone there, not because I thought I above anyone but because they thought they were above me. But the truth their just as messed up as I am.

Everyone has their own issues but they hide them by making fun of people, others use them to get sympathy. I, use to put on a mask and act as if everything was just fine and it worked until I couldn't take it anymore. I'm too intoxicated to be scared 'cause of all the medication. So I channel that fear into anger. I can't trust anyone with my feelings because all people do to me is gather information and then use it against me. This is why after that poem, I didn't trust anyone who offered to talk whenever I need to. I didn't want any fake pity so I just told them this, " Don't act so differently towards me because of a silly little poem. You didn't care about me before so why now? But why did I even ask? I already know that you just want to use me to make you feel good about yourself. Please save your breath and don't talk to me. It's better that way." Hunter thought it was too harsh but it's nothing compared to all the pain they 'caused me.

" Young girl you can't be fixed,"  my therapist said looking worried " just take this," she said as she handed me a bottle full of Xanax. She thinks I'm a lost cause, I can see it in her eyes. she doesn't think I can live happily.  But I don't care what she thinks of me. It's not like she knows me and what makes me happy. But one day she took some tests on me and she diagnosed me with clinical depression. I wasn't surprised but I was sad. But then I thought. "She's not a doctor, so she could be lying." Then I remembered not to trust anyone. So when she gave me more anti-depressions I throw them across the room.

Black HoleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora