Chapter 2 iron spider

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In Central Park, Tony and Pepper were walking together as she told him to slow down. Tony said how there were some dreams in which they got to pee, but there were no bathrooms. Pepper finished, saying they woke up and actually had to pee.

Tony groaned to himself, his face turning a little red.

"I swear, if any you comment, laugh or ever bring this up again, I will hurt you painfully."

Tony couldn't pinpoint who it was — he refused to shift his gaze — but he heard someone giggle. "I'm serious!"

"Sure, Tony, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night," Clint called out.

Tony said he dreamt they had a kid, and it was real.

Tony blushed slightly. He'd been dreaming about a child for months now.

They'd named the kid after Pepper's eccentric uncle, Morgan.

"Morgan Stark does sound nice, Mr Stark," said Peter.

Tony smiled. "It does, doesn't it?"

Pepper realized Tony had woken up and thought they were actually expecting. Tony said it had been so real. Pepper pointed at Tony's chest piece and said he wouldn't have done that if he wanted a kid. Tony said it was just a housing unit for nanoparticles.

"Nanoparticles?" said Bruce, impressed. "That's impressive, Tony."

"Damn right, it is."

"It's not helping your case, okay?" Pepper said.

"You're really not," said Pepper, agreeing with her on-screen self.

Tony said it was just an attachment, and he was trying to protect them, the future them, in case there was a monster in the closet. Tony said they would have a nice dinner, and then there would be no more surprises. The two then kissed.

"Disgusting. You guys still look like seals fighting over a grape," said Rhodey.

Peter snickered as Tony and Pepper rolled their eyes.

A portal opened, and Doctor Strange said, "Tony Stark, I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me."

"Way to make an entrance," said Sam.

"You just interrupted our moment!" exclaimed Tony.

Upon hearing the name 'Stark", Gamora and Nebula whipped their heads towards Tony.

"I thought he would be taller," said Nebula, examining Tony.

"Wait, you guys know him?" asked Quill.

"How do you know me?!" exclaimed Tony.

"Thanos knows you. You were the one to destroy his ship a few years ago. He wanted to find who did it," answered Gamora.

Tony felt chills. The other Avengers looked at each other nervously. Thanos already knew who one of them was.

Drax looked impressed. Anyone who could destroy Thanos' ship must be a worthy warrior.

Tony and Pepper looked nervous as Strange congratulated them on the wedding, and Tony asked if he was selling tickets.

Steve gasped. "You're getting married? Congratulations!"

Pepper smiled, and Tony nodded stiffly.

Strange said they needed his help, and it wasn't overselling to say the fate of the Universe was at stake. Tony asked who they were, and then Bruce appeared, greeting Tony and Pepper and then hugged them.

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