Chapter 1 the garden

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Clint was teaching Lila archery, and she had an arrow drawn. He played a little with her hair, joking if she could see now as she chuckled. His ankle monitor was seen.

Clint's eyes widened at seeing his daughter he found out that would die. Clint slumped back in his seat and clenched his jaw. The other Avengers sent him sympathetic looks.

In the distance, Nate and Cooper were playing baseball as Nate managed to catch the ball. Laura asked if they wanted mayo or mustard. Lila asked who put mayo on hot dogs.

Peter wrinkled his nose and silently agreed with Lila.

Clint said it was probably her brothers as he told her they both wanted mustard. Laura asked the boys if they wanted mayo or mustard, but Nate said he wanted ketchup, to which Laura replied she had that too. Then Lila fired her arrow, and it hit the target. "Good job, Hawkeye!" Clint said as they high-fived, and he told her to get the arrow.

Natasha gave a watery smile at Lila hitting the target while Clint was trembling.

Laura said soup was on as Clint said they were coming but then turned to see specks of dust in Lila's place, confusing him as he called out to her.

The Avengers sucked in a breath, and Clint's face contorted as though he was struggling not to cry.

Clint then called out to Laura, and the boys as thunder rumbled overhead. He ran around the farm, but no one was there.

Clint leaned forward, placed his head in his hands and sobbed. Huge body-shaking sobs racked his body. Natasha's eyes were shining with tears.

In the Benatar, Tony and Nebula were playing paper football as Tony made a goal due to her moving her hands from a position, which Tony said she didn't need to do. They played more as Nebula made a goal, and Tony said she'd done it, so now they were tied up.

"We're playing paper football?" said Tony, slightly confused.

Tony then tried to make a goal but failed, saying it was terrible and then she made one, winning as Tony congratulated her on winning and they shook hands, with him saying it was fair game and good sport, asking if she had fun. Nebula said she had.

Nebula was taken aback. She won? Nebula glanced at Tony; she already respected him for making Thanos bleed, but now she won at something. Nebula had a warm, fuzzy feeling in her chest.

Gamora had a smile on her face watching Nebula win at a game.

Tony laughed. "I can't believe we're playing paper football! Rhodey and I used to play paper football at college all the time."

Later, Tony was on his knees in front of his broken Iron Man mask.

Everyone winced at seeing Tony so skinny and run down. Tony looked at the screen with wide eyes. He didn't look very well.

Tony tapped it and clicked on the recorder before starting, "Hey, Miss Potts... Pep. If you find this recording... don't post it on social media. It's gonna be a real tear-jerker."

Pepper started to cry.

Tony continued, "I don't know if you're ever gonna see these. I don't even know if you're still... Oh, God. I hope so..."

Pepper cried harder while clutching Tony's hand.

The Benatar was shown stranded in space as Tony said, "Today is day 21... uh, 22. You know, if it wasn't for the existential terror of staring into the literal void of space, I'd say I'm feeling better today. The infection's run its course, thanks to the blue meanie back there." Nebula was shown treating Tony's wounds as Tony said, "You'd love her. Very practical. Only a tiny bit sadistic."

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