Chapter 6 illusion

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At Mysterio's base, Mysterio was fighting a Storm Elemental, shouting, "You took everything from me! This is for my family!"

Everyone glared at Beck.

"His lines are so cheesy," Sam said.

"And yet, Fury and Hill believe them," Tony pointed out.

Everyone that knew Fury and Hill shifted uneasily.

Several people from Mysterio's crew watched him fight as Riva was on his phone when Beck told him to pause. Beck was wearing a motion capture suit.

"A motion capture suit?" Scott exclaimed incredulously. "Seriously?"

He told Riva to fast-forward to the end, which he did.

"This looks so weird," muttered Clint.

Bucky and Steve's eyes were wide seeing the incredibly high level of technology Beck had. The Elementals looked so real.

Beck told Riva to pause again and said he wasn't in love with this choreography, but it'll do.

"Choreography?!" Rhodey yelled. "Is this just choreography for him?"

He also told Riva to kill image and the decloak drones.

"Shit, that's creepy," said Sam.

Beck told Riva to weaponize the drones.

"Great!" Steve threw his hands in the air. "He wants to weaponize them now."

Several drones flew towards some prop pillars, firing at them as they flew by.

"So that's how he does real damage," Scott realized.

"No one can tell the difference with the illusion tech," said Bruce.

Guilt was written all over Tony's face. Beck hated him, and now Peter was paying for it.

Beck told Riva to double the damage and then run it again.

"Double the damage," Rhodey groaned.

The image of the Elemental appeared again and punched the pillars to pieces.

Everyone paled. Those drones were very powerful.

The holographic Mysterio fired a laser at it and defeated it. Beck whooped as Riva gave him two thumbs up.

Tony flipped Beck two birds while everyone else laughed.

Beck asked if they were on schedule. Riva said, "Oh, yeah. Uploading software hack to EDITH network, where drones will be able to create an event big enough to cover an entire city."

Everyone paled.

Peter buried his head in his hands. "I messed up!"

Beck praised Riva and said they needed maximum damage. Guterman pointed out that it was going to cause a lot of casualties.

Everyone cursed Beck.

Peter groaned. He fucked up, and now innocent people were going to pay for it.

"Oh, yeah. More casualties, more coverage."

"What the fuck is wrong with this guy?!" exclaimed Clint.

Tony clenched his jaw. "A lot of things."

"I gotta cut through the static. London is a beautiful city, and it will suffer, but they can rebuild. If I'm gonna be the next Iron Man, I need to save the world from an Avengers-level threat," said Beck.

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