Chapter 4 prague

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Back on the bus, Peter looked at Brad, who was on his phone.

"Asshole," Wanda muttered.

Peter told EDITH that Brad had a photo of him. EDITH asked Peter if Brad was a target, to which Peter answered yes.

Tony narrowed his eyes. He didn't have a good feeling about this.

"Copy that. Target is Brad Davis. Initiating strike," said EDITH.

Everyone blinked in surprise. Peter paled.

"Initiating what ?" Steve said furiously.

Peter was surprised, "Initiating what now?" "Intercept point determined. Releasing field vehicle." The Stark Industries satellite in space released a drone into the atmosphere.

Everyone groaned, and Peter paled even more.

Steve stood up angrily. "This is just like Project Insight and Ultron! 'A suit of armour around the world!'" he quoted. "You saw how well that turned last time!"

Tony's face turned an unhealthy shade of grey.

A note appeared that read After Thanos's snap, Tony created EDITH out of grief to make sure that nothing like that would happen again.

Steve deflated a little bit but was still furious. "This is still wrong."

Wanda scoffed. "Why do you care? You clearly don't care about any of us since you decided to go back to the past. You just left us."

The colour drained from Steve's face as everyone else avoided eye contact. Steve hesitantly sat down.

And everyone coped with the Snap in their own way.

Clint paled at the reminder of what he was doing during the Blip while everyone else grimaced.

Peter pulled off the EDITH glasses in shock, "Ohmygod."

Peter felt the same emotions as his on-screen self.

Flash grabbed the glasses out of Peter's hand.

"No! Give those back to Peter!" groaned Bruce.

"Dope glasses Parker, how'd you pay for these?" Peter frantically told Flash to give the glasses back and accidentally punched him in the face.

Everyone snickered as Peter looked at his on-screen self in surprise.

Peter stared at Flash in shock, apologized, and took the glasses back.

"You're so polite, kid," chuckled Sam.

Peter told EDITH not to kill Brad.

"Please, don't," muttered Peter.

"Peter, would you like me to cancel the drone strike on Brad Davis?" EDITH asked.

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

One of Peter's classmates asked him if he had just punched Flash, to which Peter replied, "No."

Everyone groaned in frustration.

"Couldn't she have asked that ten seconds later?" said Clint.

EDITH said she was firing.

"Fuck!" Tony cursed and decided he wasn't going to make EDITH.

"Shit!" said Sam and Rhodey. As much as they didn't like Brad, none of them wanted to see a child die.

Peter quickly webbed the bus wheel, causing it to swerve and a bullet from the drone to go through the side mirror.

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