Chapter 6 all-new halloween spectacular!

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The 90s/00s opening theme song played as Tommy smiled at a cam recorder he was holding.

Natasha smiled since it was the 90s. She had very fond memories of the early and mid-1990s.

"I'm surprised the opening theme is so happy after the ending of the 80s episode," said Bruce.

Tommy opened a bathroom door. Inside, Wanda is in a bathrobe, brushing her teeth and had rollers in her hair.

Everyone laughed as Wanda's face turned pink.

The screen read 'Wanda Maximoff'. She slammed the door with her powers, and Tommy ran downstairs with the camera. Tommy recorded Vision, who was reading the newspaper on the couch. Tommy took the newspaper from him and ran behind the couch, but Vision phased through it, took the newspaper and hit the camera with it. The screen read 'Vision'.

Everyone snickered.

Wanda smiled sadly. Tommy reminded her of Pietro. The actual Pietro.

Tommy ran into Agnes in the kitchen, or rather her butt, which read 'Naughty'.

Everyone looked at Agnes in disgust.

"Gross," said Scott.

"Why is she always at your house?" Steve narrowed his eyes at Agnes.

Agnes turned around and gasped at the screen. Tommy changed direction, but Billy and Agnes interrupted him and tried to take the camera from him. The screen read 'Agnes', 'Billy Maximoff', and 'Tommy Maximoff'.

"Oh, so now Agnes has a large enough role to be in the credits," said Clint.

Wanda sighed. She didn't know how her on-screen self was trusting Agnes so easily. She didn't know what Agnes wanted, but she knew that Agnes couldn't be trusted.

Tommy took the camera from them and ran outside, and then Pietro came into view using his superspeed.

Everyone who had seen the actual Pietro run looked at the screen incredulously. "How does Fake Pietro have superspeed?" Steve asked, incredulously.

Clint groaned in frustration. Another weird thing was happening in the Hex.

The screen read 'Pietro Maximoff as Himself'.

"That man isn't Pietro!" yelled Wanda.

Stephen, Steve, and Tony looked at the screen curiously. Why was Pietro the only one who was credited as 'himself'?

Pietro ran and posed with the others. The screen read 'WandaVision'.

Wanda's nostrils flared. She wished her actual brother could've been with them in that scene.

"Malcolm in the Middle! I love that show!" said Peter.

Cut to Billy coming down the stairs in a costume. There are Halloween decorations around the house.

Natasha wondered if it was actually Halloween or Wanda made it that way.

Billy talked about how Halloween was a magical holiday.

Peter nodded. It really was.

"He's speaking to the camera?" Bucky asked, confused.

"That's just how Malcolm in the Middle is," Wanda answered.

He walked into the kitchen to see Tommy taking a milk carton from the fridge. "Wrong! Halloween's about candy. And scaring people, but mostly candy," said Tommy.

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