Chapter 1 never meet your heroes part i

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In New York City, 2012, 10-year-old Kate Bishop stood on top of her books so she would be tall enough to reach the vents.

The Avengers froze at seeing 2012 on the screen.

"2012?" said Clint. "That's not good."

"Especially since this is in New York," Steve added.

"Hey, this may not be the Invasion," Scott said, not believing it himself.

Everyone else snorted.

"Of course, this is about the Battle of New York," said Tony.

"I thought this was about Clint, though," said Wanda. "Why are we seeing a little girl?"

In another room, Eleanor and Derek Bishop were arguing about selling the penthouse.

"That's a pretty nice house," said Peter. "These people are rich."

"It's similar to my old apartment," said Stephen. "I sold it though."

Peter stared at him. "Your old apartment used to look like that?"

"I was a pretty famous neurosurgeon, Peter."

Bucky snorted. "All of us have seen the Sanctum. It's pretty nice too."

"I should become a sorcerer if I can get to stay at a place that nice for free," Sam muttered.

Tony furrowed his brows. "I know that woman. I've met her before."

"Where?" Clint asked.

"I don't remember. It'll come back to me eventually."

Eleanor told Derek that a solution wouldn't fall out of the sky.

All of them winced.

"Well, this is 2012," said Steve. "Something is going to fall out of the sky. A lot of things, actually."

"I don't know if it's a solution to these people's financial troubles, though," Bruce replied.

"You've got a daughter to think of." "I've got it under control, Eleanor."

"Got it!" Tony exclaimed. "Eleanor Bishop, CEO of Bishop Security. She approached Pepper and I to talk about her company providing security for SI a few years ago." He snorted. "As if I trust anyone to handle security for my company."

"Happy's the forehead of security, though," Peter snickered. "He's obsessed with security."

Tony and Rhodey chuckled.

"You haven't been to Happy's condo, Peter," said Rhodey. "He went a little overboard with that place. Nothing bad can happen with the amount of security he has there."

In her room, Kate's toy slipped, making a thud as it fell. Eleanor and Derek stopped arguing as they looked up.

All of them winced.

"Do you want to?" Derek asked. "Who are we kidding? You go," said Eleanor.

"So, the little girl prefers her dad over her mom," Natasha noted.

Derek entered Kate's room, and Kate pretended to be asleep. He told her that she shouldn't eavesdrop.

"She's, like, ten," said Clint. "Kids that age are nosy."

Kate said she didn't want to move, and Derek said they didn't have to.

"Don't they have financial troubles?" asked Bruce. "I think they'll have to."

"The financial troubles went away because Bishop Security is a pretty successful company now," said Tony.

"How do you know? Mommy said things don't just fall from the sky."

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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