Chapter 9 the series finale

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Wanda looked fearfully at Tommy and Billy, who still had Agatha's ropes around their necks.

Everyone tensed.

"Get off of me! Let go of my brother!" yelled Tommy.

Even though Wanda and Vision were terrified for the twins, they were proud of Tommy for looking after his brother.

"My powers work out here, or did you forget?" asked Wanda, but Agatha said she was counting on it and pulled the twins back, who fell on the ground.

Stephen paled. "I think Agatha wants Wanda's chaos magic."

Everyone grimaced. Even if they didn't know much about magic, they knew Agatha having chaos magic was a horrible idea.

"No!" yelled Wanda as she threw a ball of magic at Agatha, who fell back. Wanda told the twins to go to their moms, but they wanted to help her.

"You can help by staying safe," said Wanda.

In the background, Agatha got back up and told the twins to listen to their mother. "Now!" said Wanda. Tommy took Billy and ran away using his super-speed.

Everyone sighed in relief. The twins were safe.

Wanda threw a ball of magic at Agatha, who took it. Wanda looked surprised. "I take power from the undeserving. It's kinda my thing."

Everyone glared at Agatha.

Wanda's hand became more skeleton-like.

Everyone gasped.

"Oh no," Steve said in horror.

Agatha threw a ball of magic at Wanda, who flew off her feet. "You're clearly in over your little redhead. So, why don't you surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it?"

"I'll learn what to do with my magic," Wanda said firmly.

Agatha flew into the air. "And I'll let you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourself. What do you say?" Wanda glared at Agatha and threw a car at her that threw Agatha into a house.

Everyone blinked in surprise.

"Well, that's one way to get rid of her," said Bucky.

Wanda walked over to the house and looked underneath the car, only to find Agatha's boots.

"Does this remind anyone else of the Wizard of Oz?" asked Scott.

Steve perked up. "Yes."

Tony rolled his eyes.

Behind her, White Vision landed.

Everyone tensed.

"Oh shit," muttered Peter.

"Vision?" asked Wanda as she walked to him. "Is it really you?"

"Um, kind of," said Sam.

"It's complicated," said Tony.

White Vision cupped Wanda's cheek. "Wanda..." he said. He put his other hand on Wanda's cheek and squeezed and lifted her in the air.

Everyone gasped, and Vision glared at White Vision.

Wanda gasped as she tried to break free. "And I was told you were powerful," said White Vision.

"She is powerful!" yelled Clint.

Vision flew into White Vision, and Wanda landed on the ground. Vision threw White Vision into a trailer, which exploded.

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