Chapter 3 power broker

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A GRC PSA played, explaining that they helped people back into their homes and jobs, navigate changes to society, laws, and borders.

"That's the most generic PSA I've ever seen," said Rhodey.

In Munich, Germany, a GRC van stopped. An agent opened the door, revealing Walker and Lemar with other agents.

Everyone scowled — Steve most of all. He couldn't believe he thought Walker was decent.

They got out of the van. Walker burst in and introduced himself.

Everyone looked at Walker in disgust.

The café owner told him to stop, but Walker said he was hiding a criminal named Karli Morgenthau and asked if he knew her. The other GRC agents made the people in the room face the wall with their hands up and pointed their guns at them.

Everyone felt a stab of anger seeing that.

The café owner said in German that he couldn't come in here and destroy his business.

"Do they even have proof?" asked Scott.

"I mean, we know he helped the Flag Smashers since we saw him help them, but Walker doesn't know that," said Clint.

Walker asked Lemar to translate and ask if he knew Karli Morgenthau and the Flag Smashers. "You heard the names. Where are they?" Lemar asked in German. "I have no idea what you're talking about. You Americans have become brutes," the café owner said in German.

Everyone, except Wanda, winced.

"He says he doesn't know," said Lemar in English. Walker said that was bullshit. They knew Karli came through here and asked where she went. The café owner spat on Walker's face.

"Hell yeah!" Scott cheered.

Walker's face contorted, and he shoved the café owner into the wall.

Everyone glowered at Walker.

"What an asshole," said Clint.

"Do you know who I am?" he shouted.

"I don't think he cares," said Bucky.

"Yes, I do. And I don't care."

"You tell him!" Wanda praised.

Walker stared at the café owner as he wiped the spit off his face. Lemar said it was a waste of time and they weren't going to find them as they walked out of the café. Walker asked if he'd heard anything from anyone at Langley, but Lemar said no. "Karli must be funnelling something from someone I can't see," said Walker.

"There's a lot you're not seeing," said Natasha.

Lemar said Karli was giving displaced people shelter and medicine, which creates loyalty. "I know you want this. I get it. But we've literally tried everything we can here. So has Langley, and we keep drawing blanks." In the background, GRC agents led handcuffed people away.

Anger welled up in everyone's chests.

"So, we bet on someone who's got a better hand," said Walker.

"It's funny Walker knows Sam and Bucky have a better hand," said Rhodey.

"At least, he knows that much," muttered Steve.

In Berlin, Germany, a police officer led Sam and Bucky down a hallway. "He's just through that corridor," said the officer.

Instantly, most people in the room became tense as they realized who Sam and Bucky were there to see.

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