Chapter 5 on a very special episode...

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In Wanda and Vision's living room, Tommy was crying as Wanda held him and pleaded for him to go to sleep, and he would be the favourite twin if he would.

Everyone chuckled.

"I don't miss that sound," Clint shuddered, referring to Tommy crying. Scott agreed.

Tony smiled at the 80s setting. "Look, Rhodey. It's the 80s."

Rhodey laughed. "We had a lot of fun at MIT during the 80s."

Peter looked at Rhodey and Tony. "Both of you are so old," he muttered.

Vision walked down the stairs with Billy in his arms and told Wanda they loved the twins equally.

"We do," smiled Wanda.

"They've grown up a bit," Steve smiled.

"More than what newborns should," Stephen said while narrowing his eyes.

"Well, Wanda's pregnancy lasted a day so I guess her children can age up too," said Bruce. He desperately wanted all of this to make sense.

Wanda said not to tell Billy that.

Everyone laughed.

"No luck with Billy?" Wanda asked. "Tried reading to him, but for some reason, Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man made him cry even harder," said Vision.

"Can't imagine why," Sam said sarcastically.

"Oh. Care to dance, darling?" said Vision as both he and Wanda bounced the twins to sleep.

Everyone smiled at the two.

Wanda chuckled. "It's almost like we're on a date."

"Have fun," said Clint. "You won't get to go on a date for a while."

"Keep it down, lads; I was about to get my leg over," said Vision.

"We didn't need to know that," said Rhodey as Wanda's face turned bright red, and Vision looked sheepish.

Wanda asked Vision to grab their binkies. Vision agreed and left the living room to get them. The twins started to cry. "Now, I know parents aren't supposed to take shortcuts, but I think this situation calls for one, don't you?" said Wanda.

Vision narrowed his eyes. "What are you going to do?"

Wanda grimaced. She had an idea.

Both of them continued to cry. "So, go to sleep, my babies." She tried to use her magic to make the twins sleep, but it didn't work.

"Wanda!" exclaimed Vision. "Don't use magic on the babies!"

"I don't know why I did!"

Others were more focused on why Wanda's magic didn't work on the twins. Stephen looked at the screen curiously.

She tried again, but this time the twins started to giggle. "Well, I don't think it's very funny. Why won't you do what I want?"

Everyone tensed, and Wanda paled.

"I can't believe you're trying to control the twins!" said Vision.

"What's that, dear?" asked Vision as he walked in with binkies on his ear.

Everyone chuckled, except Vision, who was still upset about Wanda using magic on the children.

Wanda chuckled. "That is not where those go!" She removed the binkies and cleaned them. Wanda put the binkies in the twins' mouth, and they stopped crying.

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