Chapter 9 i am iron man

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Cull was thrown down by a blast as Tony and Pepper started blasting from above. Thor slammed Stormbreaker on the ground, and the lightning killed several foes. Hope enlarged and jumped on a foe as M'Baku roared, and Bruce threw an opponent away just as Scott punched a Leviathan down.

"Damn, we could've used you in New York," said Clint at the sight of Scott punching a Leviathan.

Scott grinned.

T'Challa and Okoye took down foes side by side as Shuri blasted them with her blasters. Drax jumped on Cull, who had grabbed Korg, and started stabbing him while Korg knocked him away. Tony and Pepper flew next to each other and blasted all foes around them back-to-back with their repulsors.

"Never mind, this is the hottest thing I've seen in my life," said Tony. Pepper laughed as Peter and Rhodey shot them a disgusted look.

Steve and Thor fought side by side, throwing their weapons as they continued fighting. Thor then grabbed Mjolnir on return as Steve grabbed Stormbreaker. "No, no. Give me that. You have the little one." Thor said as he tossed Steve Mjolnir and took back Stormbreaker, flying off to fight.

Everyone snickered.

"You both love to talk during battles," Bucky noted.

Bucky and Rocket fired at foes, standing next to each other.

Bucky shot Rocket a cautious look, making sure that he wasn't about to run away with his arm.

From above, Tony fired at more foes, and landing on the ground, fired at more before Cull knocked him away from behind. Before he could bring his hammer down on Tony, Peter pulled him away with webs, and Scott stepped on him.

"Thanks, man," said Tony.

"Hey!" Peter said as he helped Tony up, "Holy cow!" Tony looked at him, in disbelief that Peter was here.

Steve looked at Tony and Peter warmly. Peter meant so much to Tony; it was nice to see a different side of him.

Tony's eyes started to prickle with tears.

Peter said, "You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must've passed out 'cause I woke up, and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, 'It's been five years. Come on; they need us!'" Peter mimicked Strange's gestures of portal opening and said, "And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time..." Tony cut him off by wrapping him in a loving hug. "What are you doing?" Peter asked in shock before finally hugging back, "This is nice."

Everyone looked at Peter and Tony with smiles on their faces. Tony pulled Peter into another hug.

"You're not allowed to die," Tony said firmly. "You hear me?"

"Loud and clear."

At a distance, Quill fired at foes before he was thrown down. There, he fought two simultaneously, knocking one down when the other punched him down. He was about to kill him when a shot from behind killed him instead. Quill got up and was shocked to see Gamora standing there. "Gamora?" He asked in shock.

Everyone, including Gamora and Quill, grimaced.

"I wouldn't want to be Quill right now," muttered Clint.

Quill walked to her, saying, "I thought I lost you."

"I did," mumbled Quill.

He was about to touch her face when she grabbed his hand and twisted it, "Don't..." She kneed him in the nuts, "touch... me!" She kneed him again, and he was down.

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